The Cliche Transfer Student Scene

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Ayama was skipping to the classroom of second-year high school humming a unique tune.

Her eyes eerily calm and empty as opposed to the smile on her lips.

As she reached the door, she didn't even think twice before opening it gently and laying her eyes on the room.


Seeing the silenced class... she realized that there's still no teacher that actually confused her.

As earlier, she have thought that she was already running on time for the first subject.

Glancing at the sign, she confirmed she got the right room. This was where she was assigned after talking to the principal himself.

As the whole class watched in silence, Ayama smiled gently that brought slight hues of pinks on the boys' cheeks as well as some girls, bringing them out of their trance.

Unlike Teruhashi's glow, she was bright in her own way. Not literally though. It's like she's carrying a whole joyful world with her every single step.

Maybe it was because of her gentle smile and innocent-looking eyes.

She looked gently on the girl who was at the side as she asked with a sorry voice, "I wonder... what time does the class actually start?"

The girl actually blushed as she answered stuttering.

Now, Ayama soon gets it...

Sighing and chuckling, she looks at them with an understanding gaze.

"Ah... I thought I was running late but it seems that I was early instead. Will it be okay if introduced myself now?"

Then she stepped in front as the whole class watched in silence but naturally nod their heads.

She wrote her name on the blackboard in a speedy manner.

After this, she offered a small bow.

With a wide grin, she waved her hand in an out-going manner.

"Heya! I'm a new transfer student. Name's Miyamizu Ayama, but you can feel free to call me anything. Of course, calling me Ayama-chan's no problem as well. I hope we get along just well!"

Hairo was the first to snap out of their trance and smiled widely welcoming the student by holding out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Ayama-san. I'm Hairo, the class representative. If you have anything to ask, feel free to approach me!"

With a wide smile at both of their faces, Ayama took his hand and shakes it gently.

"Okeh. Nice to meet you, Hairo-san~"

Just after, she looks at the class as she offered a small smile, "I'm not really used to introducing myself so if it isn't too much trouble, you guys can just ask me anything."

Soon enough, the whole class gets used to her presence that they questioned her for a good amount of time.

Almost everyone actively participated too. Those who didn't were usually the shy ones, and of course, Saiki Kusuo, the psychic student.

Saiki has been feeling something off about this new student that he can't put into words.

And no one actually knows that there will be a transfer student... no one even has gossiped about it.

He never heard anything even from their thoughts.

Of course, others had also thought of that but no one knew how to ask about it.

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