Should-Be Epilogue

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Ayama glanced at the window.

It's raining...

Her eyes curved with a smile, a small hum escaping her lips.

She's in a good mood as she's slowly getting used with sudden bouts of emotions and mood swings.

Then she glanced at the boy sitting on the sofa... a soft smile appearing on her face. Her expression becoming gentle.

There's something fluffy in her chest... it was... a very pleasing feeling, a bit of pounding too actually.

He looked so peaceful. So handsome too. Sometimes she can't help but think that he's so cute.

Despite the claims that he was plain... ehn, she never really believed that.

Then she turned her attention on the television. The movie was still playing.

She took a sip of chocolate milk as she pondered just how things got to where they are, feeling a bit of nostalgia.

She never really thought that she'll be able to feel this way...

When she pass by the age of 15, she had already taken an indifferent approach to the possibility of having emotions.

After all... it wasn't really that empty. Just that... it wasn't enough to feel.

Ayama stood up, planning to take some blanket from the bedroom. She chuckled softly as she remembered when Saiki became as proactive as hers in pursuing.

Though it was done quietly, she would never forget the "fuwa fuwa" feeling of those days.

Before walking away, she couldn't help but brush his hair to the side, giggling to herself just how cute saiki was.

She turned and walked towards the bedroom as she reminisced the time she had planned to wreck havoc in this place.

She didn't really have any specific reason why she chose this place... there's just a couple...

The school receives transfer students in a weirdly consecutive manner... to add another won't really matter.

And that tingling feeling calling out to her apparently.

At first, she thought nothing of it... but maybe... it was already the clue she once waited for.

Oh well... she was glad she was able to follow her instinct.

When she saw the scenes at that time, she was really stunned and speechless.

Even from the start, she had already found it without her noticing. Or maybe she had denied its existence when she had focused her gaze towards her goals...

Ayama shrugged as she took a blanket then heads to return. It was all in the past.

She sat down beside Saiki. The blanket opened and just as she covered him, Saiki woke up. His eyes were still half lidded and the two stared at each other silently.

This time, Ayama smiled gently.

Saiki leaned in, giving Ayama a sudden kiss on her cheek.

Of course, Ayama was flustered, her whole face suddenly flushed red. But she tried to play it cool.

She hooked her hand to his and laid her head to his shoulder, before sneaking a kiss on his jaw.

Saiki wasn't fazed... he was used to this... but being used doesn't really mean that he got over of being flustered.

The two could feel the other's warmth and even sense each others flustered state.

Smile then bloomed on their lips before it settled to a satisfied smile.

Saiki could feel the entanglement of their fingers, feeling even more satisfied.

It didn't cross his mind, that the person who made him guarded would be the person he'll let down his guard the most.

Since they have resolved everything last time, there wasn't any dreams now... but he didn't need those...

They'll have their happy ending either way.

He was powerful... but she was even more so.

He thought he won't meet someone who could be more powerful than him... and even dreaded it...

but now, he was just filled with satisfaction.

She wasn't as powerful as him when it comes to strength or has as many as psychic powers he has.

But she was incredibly powerful.

She knows how to make coffee jelly and he doesn't think someone else can actually match her proficiency in making sweets.

She can read a person's expression just by glancing once... even his.

She doesn't even need telepathy.

She can easily reach a goal she gave herself...

and she doesn't need any precognition or any luck at all...

despite that, she will always put her family first before that.

For some reason... he just couldn't help being proud of her.

He felt relieved that he pursued her. And that he was the reason she feels... no matter how gloomy it is for her to not feel.

He could also think of various reasons why she was so powerful...

and he'd be happy to be second to her.

He felt happy just thinking when she took his hand that certain day.

Or that he'll be spending his days peacefully with her.

It also helps that she could control those annoyance very easily.

Even Nendou could be reasoned out when she speaks.

Saiki look towards the movie, it's still playing. He didn't know when he fell asleep nor what the time is now.

He glance at the window, it's still raining hard...

but he didn't think it was gloomy.

He was even happy for the rain.

Because he remembers the rain that made the two of them feel the warmth that would only come from each other.

Saiki thought that he was different to most teens...

Looking at the side, he didn't really agree now.

He couldn't help pulling her closer and landing a kiss on her again, this time on her hair.

Ayama giggled. It was soft and light as always.

He remembered when she would always show her smiles to everyone from the start, ones that didn't feel real.

But saiki knew that, since that time, she had been the most sincere person he knew of.

He wishes... that everything could be the same till their ending.

He tightened the blanket, pulling her closer to his side as Ayama snuggled closer.

Ayama hummed. Hmm... right now... she was really warm. She felt like, everyday, she was fulfilled, she was happy.

She wishes... that everything could be the same till their ending.

And in the beginning of another journey, the two of them... would still be side by side, smiling at each other.

Craving for each other's warmth.


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