When She Chases

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The next day came quick and Ayama jumped out of the bed much earlier than necessary.

Quick to prepare herself and grab the things she needed to school, she left her house in a bouncy manner.

Just yesterday night, she was able to finish her plan.

She might need to change some small details along the way but the main plan was already done.

There was a tingly feeling as she looked forward to seeing Kaidou at school.

Despite that, she didn't head straight to school. There some things she needed to arrange first.

A black car halts in front of her, heading to a cafe.

There are matters she must have know first.


Her first week had passed, her charm exudes in every step that most had been familiar with her in a very short time.

When she came to school, a lot waved their hands on her, greeting her with cheerful or bashful manner.

She didn't know the lot of them but who cares, she only needs to wave and smile. 

She'd been doing that for years.

She headed straight to her classroom, exchanging greetings with everyone present.

When she saw Kaidou, her eyes considerably lit up as she put her stuff on her sit before taking the initiative to talk to Kaidou.

Her classmates were vexed, obviously jealous of Kaidou who was getting most of Ayama's attention. But they were also confused, how did Kaidou take her attention in the first place?

They talk about all sorts of things before the class started.

Just before the class started though, she felt a stare different from the others.

It isn't admiration, nor jealousy.

It was a stare she knew too well.

Someone wants to observe her.

Reasons unknown.

She didn't feel offended. She was used to this kind of stares. Observing her, waiting for her to make mistakes, to see just how far she can go, and to know what kind of benefits she can bring just by standing and giving off her existence.

It was all too familiar to her.

She just felt curious... who's stare was it?

The teacher entered before she could look around and search...

But realized that she didn't even need to.

Looking at her seatmate, she smiled sweetly. Her mind going off to question Saiki's stare.

Saiki... huh... I wonder, what do you know in the first place, to guard yourself like this. Saiki Kusuo... if ever you knew what I'm thinking of, is that how you'll react?

Saiki didn't show any expression as he concentrated on what's going on in front. He knows it will be a big loss of advantage if she notices that he can read her mind.

However, she was really something... to know that he was craving for some answers right now.

No matter what, I need to know how to stop her plans. That nightmare cannot happen.

Saiki listened as she daydreams once again, only now, she also plans to court Kaidou. She was thinking of various ways on how to make him cozy up to her. Only then will she be able to start her actual plan.

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