1 - The Truth

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These are a series of short stories. Feel free to skip around and use the prompts if you'd like. Hope you guys enjoy the stories!

Prompt: A drunk man sits down next to you at a bar and starts confessing "The Truth". What does he say?

A guy, reeking of alcohol, plops down in a seat next to me. We are in a chaotic bar where people are dancing while others are laughing in booths. The bright, colorful lights contrast the dark mood lighting in the rest of the bar. I grip the small cup in front of me while little flashes of light reflect off of it. The bartender, Mike, walks over to the man who recently sat down. When Mike smells the alcohol reek coming off of the man, he gives him a cup of water. Once Mike leaves, the man opens his mouth and starts to cry. Now, of you have never seen a grown man cry, you are lucky. It is not a pretty sight. I sit uncomfortably next to him and right as I am about to get up, he speaks.

"Look man, there's something I got to tell ya..." It freezes me to my spot. I don't know this guy, but what he says hits me square in the gut. Nothing has ever felt so important. I turn and see he's gazing straight at me. Nothing about him gives the sense that he is drunk. His gaze doesn't waver.

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