17 - Scary or Weird?

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Prompt: What's the weirdest or scariest thing that's ever happened to you?

So, I have a pet rabbit named Silver and he can be a bit of a stinker sometimes but I love him to death. A couple years ago, my sisters rabbit, Skunk Marty Adams, and Silver dug a hole under the cage and escaped. In the middle of the night my parents hear one of the rabbits(believed to be Skunky) screeched. They rushed outside to see what was happening. They managed to locate Skunky but not Silver. The next day, after school, my parents told me what happened. They thought that he was probably taken by an owl or hawk and the screech they heard was from when it tried to take Skunky.

Luckily, the next day as my was going out to the car, Silver appeared from under out house the next morning and he is still with us to this day, though Skunky died last year from a heart attack.

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