14 - Date

5 0 0

Prompt: Without using any dialogue, describe a man or woman who got stood up on a date.

He sat at the dingy bar on the least rickety stool doing seemingly noting but glancing at the door every five seconds. It was a little after 8 o'clock pm on a Friday night. He looked like a penguin in his tux but had made an effort in his apearence. Time ticked slowly by and the velvet stool to his right remained barren. Seconds passed while his foot twitched and fingers tapped on the still full glass of water in front of him. Tap tap tap. Eyes flick to the unforgiving door. 30 minutes pass. The stool remains empty. One more minute. He checks his phone. The pain in his expression is as if someone ambushed  and stabbed him in the gut.

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