Chapter 5.

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... just like that, one little mistake turned into a huge mess.

sirens and flashing lights.

i opened my eyes to find everything in a blur. i squeezed my eyes as tight as i could then reopened them. i looked over to Hallie. Hallie was lying her head on the steering wheel with her arms just hanging like a rag doll. i tried shouting her name but i couldnt hear my own voice because my ears were blocked. i went to reach out to her, but was pinned to the seat by the seat belt. looking down, i found glass everywhere. even some stuck into my leg and arms. i tried to move myself. bad move. i was in major pain. 'Claire, dont go into the white light', no white light. just black. yeah, i passed out.

*flick, flick, flick*

"18 year old, she has major swelling around her wounds. glass lodged into left leg and both arms. huge bump side on left side of the head." "run her to ER straight away!" "and her parents have been called."

*flick, flick, flick*

the flicker of the hallway lights were starting the wake me up. "Claire, can you hear me? Claire, can you?"

i couldnt speak.

"Claire, if you can hear me, blink."

blink. blink. blink.

"okay, we have response. Claire, im Dr. Kourtney. i will be giving you gas now, you will not feel a thing. when you wake up, you will be in a room. blink if you understand." i blinked and closed my eyes.

feeling like im floating on a fluffy cloud. daydreaming of the fun times, the jokes, the laughter, the games, everything. then hearing words spoken in a soft peaceful tone, "all the other kids with pumped up kicks, you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet."

i opened my eyes to the white ceiling above. turning to my left there was Mum, Dad, Chris and Chloe.

Hallie! "mother, where is Hallie?"

tears started to form in mothers' eyes.

"im sorry, but i will have to ask you to leave, visiting hours are over." Dr. Kourtney nicely, after quietly entering the room. "we have to leave now, but i will be back again soon." holding back her saddness, mother kissed my forehead and placed a letter next to me. "please open this after we leave."

i dont know what was sadder, my family leaving or what could be written in this note....

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