Chapter 8.

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"hello, Clarie. This is Lyssie, and she will be your buddy friend to help you settle back into your school environment". the Head Master said with a big smile.

"well, i better be off, i don't want to be late for my meeting". mother said as she gave me a big kiss on the forehead.

i watched mother walk out of the Head Office while blowing me a kiss. oh my god. she is leaving me here. oh my god. my panic mode took over. oh my god. what do i do, why do i have to be here.

"so Clarie, can i walk you to your locker?" Lyssie asked. "haha you will be the one walking, i will be hopping behind you". oh my, i made a non-funny joke. i do that when i panic. but it was weird, Lyssie laughed. she laughed at my joke. no-one ever does. "could i carry anything for you?" "yes please Lyssie, taking my bag would be most helpful". i gave her a smile and hoped it wasn't too heavy for her.

we walked out of the Head Office. all i saw was stairs. oh great. its going to take me an hour to get to my locker. "this way Claire. Head Master gave me the key card to the elevator". the elevator? its like being down the stairs in less than 2 seconds. i could get use to this.

*ding, ground level*

"Okay. Down to the right. And here you go." Lyssie stopped right beside my locker.

Locker 166. Code 3349. *creeek* it opened.

'Get Well Soon', 'Miss you' and 'Im Sorry' cards. thousands of them, millions of them. by the looks of it, the whole school has written me a card. but why? no-one knows me. well you know the unpopular one at school. "oh I'm sorry, i forgot to mention that your locker was full of these cards, id be glad to clean this up for you". "no, no its okay. ill grab them at the end of the day." "didn't you say your mother was picking you up at end of school in the Head Office?" "yeah, she did." "why don't i get the Office ladies come down and hold them for you until you get picked up?" "oh yes, that would be great",

*riiiiing, riiiing, riiing*

"oh that's the bell for first class, we should head there now. i have put your book in my bag and left the rest in your bag that we can leave in your locker, okay this way". we turned to the left and walked past the elevator and past a couple of lockers and there was my classroom. Room 228. "okay, are you ready to go in? this is English with Mrs Cook". " yeah, i guess I'm ready".

well i wasn't really ready, but i have to get over and done with. today is going to be a long day...

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