Shadow of the Day pt 2 (Chapter 6)

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"In cards and flowers on your window. Your friends all plead for you to stay...And the Shadow of the Day will embrace the world in gray, and the sun will set for you."

               //3rd person POV//

Nurses and doctors were running around everywhere in room 334 at the Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center. It was nearly 4 o'clock in the morning when all of the commotion started. The alarms that were going off rang through the entire hospital and jolted some people awake, this alarm meant that a patient was coding and needed immediate care. A "Code Blue" was called and many doctors, nurses, and a respiratory therapists came running into the room. A frantic nurse  told the beautiful girl that was the patient's girlfriend that she needed to exit the room as quickly as possible. The doctors and nurses sprang into action and began to help the patient that was coding, they realized from his medical charts that he had been in a serious wreck over at the speedway here in Las Vegas. His only injuries where a broken collarbone and a severe concussion. The patient was falling into a coma from his severe head injury. The doctors were moving at the speed of light to get the patient stabilized and hooked back up to the machines while moving him to a room in the ICU under 24/7 watch and care. 

Once the patient was moved into the new hospital room and stabilized they were able to get everything under control. A nurse in some lavender colored scrubs was assigned to go and find the girlfriend of the patient's and explain to her what had happened. While walking through the long corridors of the hospital the nurse saw a girl sitting with her back against the wall and she had her head in her hands and was crying. The nurse quietly sat down beside the girl and made sure to not scare her first and then embraced her in a hug for a few minutes. "Hey my name is Leia and I am one of the nurses that is assigned to your boyfriend at the moment. I was sent to come and find you, so I can tell you what you just saw or began to see. The alarms that were going off in the room were a Code Blue, and your boyfriend because of all of the head trauma that he had experienced was falling into a coma." 

//Shay's POV// 

This night was going so good at first with Ryan being awake and happy to me waking up at almost 4 in the morning to loud alarms going off and doctors and nurses telling me to get out of the room. I ran out with everything that I had with me while wrapping up in my small blanket that Ryan had given me a few weeks ago, and slowly began sliding down the wall behind me. The only thing that I could do was just sit there on the floor with my back against the wall and cry for what seemed like hours. I felt like I couldn't cry anymore, so I quietly sat there and prayed that everything would be okay and that Ryan would be better. After I prayed I grabbed my phone and called Lisa and Dave Blaney to tell them what had just happened and that they should probably on the next quick flight out to Vegas. 

                   ***Phone Conversation with Ryan's family***

Shay: Hey Lisa and Dave...I am so sorry to wake the both of you up at this crazy time. But something happened during the night and Ryan has been moved to the ICU because of his head trauma it caused him to fall into a coma. 

Lisa & Dave: Oh my gosh. We are so sorry you had to experience that all on your own out there. We are looking online now to get us a flight out there. If there is one thing that you should know about Ryan is that he is trying to fight it so he can wake up and see you and your beautiful self right there beside him. 

Shay: That means so much to me. Would you like for me to call anyone else? While I am sitting here in this waiting room. 

Lisa & Dave: We will call both Erin and Emma to let them know. You don't have to contact anyone else right now if you don't want to. Just get some sleep and we will see you in a few hours. We all love you Shay.

Shay: Thank you so much. I will try my best to get a few hours of sleep. I will see you soon and have a safe flight. I love the Blaney family with my whole heart. 

                  ***End of phone conversation***

               ----------------------- > Time Jump 

Ryan's family all got here safely to Vegas. They had informed his racing team Penske, NASCAR, the Glass Case of Emotion podcast crew, other drivers, and his friends with what was going on. So team Penske released a statement saying that "The driver of the number 12 Ford for Penske Racing suffered a few injuries during his race here in Las Vegas. Because of the extent of his head injuries it caused him to fall into a coma. So at this time we would like to thank everyone for their calls, prayers, and flowers it has been greatly appreciated by the entire Blaney family. " We were able to go into Ryan's room in the ICU and see him finally, but had to take turns going because all of us couldn't be in there all at once.  Some of the other drivers have came by to check in on us and they have sent cards, flowers, balloons, you name it, wishing that Ryan would get better soon. His two sisters Erin and Emma came out of the room and slowly walked over to me to say that it was my turn to go in and get to see Ryan by myself. 

I walked over to where his room was and you could see through the windows everything that had been sent to him lined the window sill and a small table in the room." In cards and flowers on your window. Your friends all plead for you to stay...And the Shadow of the Day will embrace the world in gray, and the sun will set for you." I walked in and sat in the chair that was next to his bed and scooted it forward as close as I could get to him. I reached my hand out and gently grabbed his hand and placed it in mine. The doctor had told us to try and talk to Ryan when we went to see him even though he wasn't awake he could practically hear us. I told Ryan that I was right here with him and have been since he came into this hospital. I had told him that it scared me so bad when I woke up to all that commotion going on in the room and the nurses telling me that he had a code blue. I went on to say that I hoped that he would wake up soon so I could see that cute face of his, and that I love him so much. 

A/N: Figured you guys were due for an update. Here it is and let me know what you think. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow for more updates! ALL MY LOVE-MK

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