No More Sorrow (Chapter 9)

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" No, no more sorrow..." 

//Ryan's POV// 

I sat there in the hospital bed smiling at my family and girlfriend as they all looked at me with tears in their eyes. They were all so happy to see me alive and well so to speak. They each took a turn to come over to me and hug me before one of my sisters had walked down to the nurses station to tell them I was awake. Shay got up and came over to sit on the side of my bed, but while she sat there she inched closer to me so I could finally kiss her lips that I have desperately been missing. Did I care that my parents and one of my sisters were still standing there in the room witnessing my girlfriend and I almost make I don't care. We stopped when we heard someone clear their throat because Emma was coming back in the room with my nephew Louie and a nurse. The nurse introduced herself to me and said that she had been my nurse this whole time while I have been in this hospital, she also said that her name was Leia. All I could think about was that her name is Leia like Princess Leia in my favorite movie series Star Wars. When Shay and I finally decide to have names I will probably hint as a name choice if we had a baby girl to be Leia. The nurse said that they were going to do a CT scan to check out everything, but other than that I should be hopefully good to go home soon. The only injures I had even sustained in the wreck to land me in this hospital was a concussion and a broken collarbone. The CT scan was going to be done in a few hours which I was thankful for. I'm so tired of being in this hospital. After nurse Leia left Emma came over to where I was and placed Louie on the bed with me. I can't believe how big he is already, he crawled up to me and began to lean back on my against my chest. He was so excited to see me his uncle "ry ry" as he likes to call me. 

While everyone was still in the hospital room with me I had thought about asking them some questions that I had. The first one I had was of course how was Team Penske doing and how my number 12 was doing so far? The second question I had was how where we going to announce that I was out of my coma? My family began to answer the first question by saying that over the past 2 weeks my car has came in 3rd place in Phoenix and 4th place out in Fontana. We still had a long season to go, but the 12 was looking really good. Team Penske was looking nice so far too with Joey coming in 1st, 10th, and 2nd; Brad came in 2nd, 19th, and 3rd. For the next question that I had asked they didn't really have an answer yet about when or how they were going to announce that I was out of my coma. They were going to reach out to Team Penske first and then try and come up with something together before officially releasing a statement. I thought to myself that I need to come up with a distraction for Shay to do so I can talk to my parents about wanting to propose to her soon.  

My mom handed Shay my cell phone so that I could text my friends Chase and Bubba and my team that I was back awake from my coma. I decided instead of texting the team I would call them on the phone so they could freak out when they hear my voice. Shay said that she was going to step out and go to one of those private waiting rooms so she could call her family and Whitney to let them know what's going on. I told her go ahead and take all the time that you need. After she walked out I had my dad shut the door. Now is my chance to talk to my family, so here goes nothing... 

I told my family that I wanted to talk to them about something very important just us. I explained to them my dream that I had had while I was in my coma and that I had heard everything that everyone was saying to me while I've been asleep. They said that Shay hasn't left my side at all and would hardly leave the hospital to go and take care of herself. I told them that hearing those things and having those dreams has made me realize that I want to be with her for the rest of my life. When I told them that I wanted to marry her they all got so excited. Being the good southern gentleman that I am I would like to ask her dad also. Once I get her family's approval I will make my plan come to life. So Shay wouldn't get suspicious if she came back in the room I told my family that we would discuss this proposal plan later on. I decided to put my phone on speakerphone and call Roger Penske. 

*** Phone Conversation with Roger Penske*** 

Roger: Well look who it is calling me it's mr YRB himself. It's good to hear from you alive and well I see. 

Ryan: It's good to hear from you. Yes sir I am. I have recently awoken from my coma and decided to call you. 

Roger: Wow I feel honored that I am the first person that you called. While we are talking would you like to come up with an announcement that you would like to share to NASCAR and social media? 

Ryan: Yeah that sounds like a good idea. We could say "Dear NASCAR fans, Team Penske would like to announce that our driver of the number 12 car Ryan Blaney has recently awoken from his medical coma. His injuries from the Las Vegas wreck was a concussion and a broken collarbone. He is awake and healing with his family and girlfriend by his side, he can't wait to be back at the track soon." 

***End of the Phone Conversation***

A/N: Here's a new chapter to celebrate Blaney's win on Monday at Talladega. There are only 3 chapters left in this story. Don't forget to vote and comment. Let me know what you think of this story and if you would like a sequel to this or not. All my love - MK 

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