What I've Done (Chapter 7)

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"For What I've Done. I start again..." 

///Shay's POV// 

Whelp it's been another two days since I heard the news about my boyfriend falling into a coma. I was talking to Ryan's family out in the waiting room when the doctor came by and told us that they can see a major improvement with Ryan already. Which means he could be waking up sooner than later. Ryan's family and I have all been taking turns staying with him in his hospital room and in the RV that Team Penske had left for us to stay in at night when we slept and to take showers. Thank goodness that Ryan's family brought us all extra clothes and toiletries in some extra luggage that they had brought out here to Vegas. When I have had some downtime sitting here in this waiting room I have been still trying to help out Whitney and Emma with the store, so they decided that they are gonna post the pictures that Whitney and I had taken out here in Vegas and whatever is sold half the profits will be donated to the hospital that is taking care of Ryan. 

I think that this is the sweetest thing and these awesome doctors and nurses deserve all of the credit. They truly do save lives, and I can't thank them enough for all that they have done. Lisa and Dave gave a new statement to put out on the media that Ryan was making some major improvement and can be waking up from his coma soon. They also wanted to thank everyone for the texts, calls, messages, posts, cards, flowers, etc that they have received on Ryan's behalf. They also wanted to thank Team Penske and NASCAR for all that they have done as well. With the number 12 not running right now Team Penske reached out to Ryan's family to ask who they wanted to drive his car, they decided to let one of Ryan's teammates Josef Newgarden step in and drive. We are all so excited to see the number 12 out there racing next weekend. (Go Team Penske) 

It was my turn to go in and see Ryan again, so I grabbed my things and started making my way back down the hallway to his room. When I walked in I sat in the little chair that was next to his bed so I could reach out and hold his hand as I talked to him. I began talking to him about what all has happened with the shop and what the girls decided to do, the racing news about who's driving his car, what the doctors have told us, and what the nurses name was that talked to me that night that everything had happened. He would get a kick out of her name being Leia like Princess Leia from his favorite movie series Star Wars, we all know that in the future he would definitely want to name any of his future children after characters. I told him also that Whitney and Austin Dillon are taking care of Sturgil for us while we have been out here in Vegas and that she sends me pictures of him all throughout the day saying that he misses his dad the most. One of the last things that I talked about was that I love him so much and that he is my everything. I'll always be right here for him and will never leave him. 

///Ryan's POV///   (Bet you didn't see that coming) 

As I'm laying here in this complete darkness I begin to think about everything that had happened. I am so thankful for Shay who has been here the whole time and experienced what no girlfriend should ever experience. I'm also thankful that my parents and siblings were able to be here with me. Even though I can't see them when they come into my room at different times and talk to me about what's going on I can feel that they are here. I have been having these crazy dreams that I am standing in a nice tux with both Chase and Bubba by my side as we are waiting for the most beautiful woman to make her way towards me. Then my dreams begin to skip around and this time I am married to that same beautiful girl and we are babysitting my nephew  Louie when I look at my wife and she has a small bump on her stomach where our future baby is.  After seeing these dreams that I have been having and hearing Shay talk to me and squeeze my hand, I have realized that I want to spend the rest of my life with her forever. I know that after this is all over and I wake up that I am gonna be a changed man. "For What I've Done...I start again..." I am gonna start my life again with with a positive attitude that I am going to get better, go through the rehabilitation with my girlfriend and family by my side, get back into racing, and finally pop the question to Shay. 

Author's Note: Surprise it's a new update! This was such a fun one to write and I can't wait to see what you all think about it. All The Love- MK 

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