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Beni Pov

I was sitting on a bench at the park waiting for Guren to arrive. We need to make those knights believe that he actually betrayed them and joined our side.

"Beni!" I turned to see Guren running as he waved to me. He was in front of me as he was out of breath "Sorry *huff* I came *huff* as fast as I can." Guren tells me as I look up at him. Guren gave me a smile as my eyes widen a little and I blushed.

I saw that the knights were pretending to be walking by the park. Time for the plan to go in action I grabbed Guren by his shirt and kissed him on the lips as he blushed. I pulled back for air "B-Beni...?!" Guren was surprised by the kiss.

I went close to his ear "Make them believe that your not on their side by kissing their enemy" I whispered in his ear. Guren was taken back as he nodded, he lifted my chin up and kissed me on my lips as I became flustered and my heart was beating fast.

Ceylan Pov

My eyes widen at what I'm seeing...Guren kissing Beni...our enemy...! Why is he kissing her she hates why would he kiss her of all people....I fell to my knees as tears streamed down my cheeks.

Guren really did choose to side with them...he really did betray us...I was still in tears...why...! Why! Why! Why! Those words kept replaying in my head over and over again.

Toxsa Pov

Guren he really did leave the Tenkai Knights....he really chose the Corrupted side. He left us to be with Beni! He chose the enemy instead of his friends! Some leader he is...he betrayed us....

Chooki Pov

I was shocked to see that Guren and Beni are kissing each other. Did he leave us just to be with Beni the enemy or...did he really betray us cause he didn't like us...Guren I...thought we were friends...

Guren Pov

I pulled back from the kiss as me and Beni both needed air, we were both blushing as I looked from the corner of my eyes. They were watching us in shock...I need to do this.

I put my hands on Beni Cheeks and gave her a gentle smile "I'll always choose your side Beni, I won't let those knights ruin our goals at all. I promise to Protect you." I told her as she was surprised.

I was remembering what Gen told me in the hallway "I want you to meet Beni at the Park after school, knowing the knights they will mostly likely follow you. So make them believe you really did betray them, Guren." I was still looking Beni in the eyes.

Beni smiled back at me "I know you will Guren, I believe in you. You don't need them cause you have me and you have Gen as a friend too." Beni tells me as I hated hearing this.

Gen Pov

I was watching to make sure that Guren is following orders and he did. He broke the knights by kissing Beni, especially Ceylan is the one that is more broken.

I smirked at the Tenkai Knights feeling the feeling of betrayal. I saw that Guren took glance at the knights that were still staring at them. I messaged Beni and Guren telling them to leave and meet me at the lake.

They both left and so did I, so I can meet them at the lake. "Was the mission a success?" I asked them as they were behind me "Yes it was." Guren told me as Beni nodded with a smile.

I noticed Guren looking down as he has a face of regret "Guren remember why your doing this." I tell him. "I know why I'm doing this, it's the only reason why I agreed to this." He answers me as I glared at him and he glares back.

Beni smiled "My you boys sure enjoy glaring at each other." Beni tells us as we looked away from each other. We're both clearly fighting for different reasons, that's why me and Guren cannot get along.

I stayed quiet as our core blocks are glowing "Were being summon by Vilius." I tell them as I thought for a few seconds "I think Guren should go alone this time." I said as both Beni and Guren look at me.

"Why?" Beni asked me "Cause I believe Guren should prove to Vilius that he really did change sides." I told her "I'll go." Guren tells us as I nodded and he left to Quarton.

To be continued

Tenkai Knights Betrayal to Protect Where stories live. Discover now