Chapter Five - Be my girlfriend?

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The next week.


Nick’s POV

I walked into the classroom and avoided eye contact with Beca, and Travis was shooting daggers at me. That’s a bit harsh considering I only stood her up.. It’s not as if I full on did anything wrong. I sighed and turned around “Beca can I talk to you privately for a minute?” She hesitated biting her lip and nodded looking down. Travis watched me carefully as Beca and I walked outside. “Beca I’m really sorry about not showing up, I completely forgot to call you to tell you I couldn’t make it” she nodded not really seeming to buy it. “Okay” she said looking at me. I sighed and did something I’d probably regret later, I kissed her.

Beca’s POV

He leant forward and kissed me. I didn’t feel fireworks or anything, but it did feel nice I have to admit. Before I knew it I was kissing him back and the kiss was turning more intense and passionate. He pushed me up against the wall and I brushed my tongue against his lips causing him to shudder pleasurably. He opened his mouth as our tongues began to dance, he pressed his body into mine and I held back a moan, which he didn’t seem to like, so he thrust into me gently, causing e to moan into his mouth as he smirked. Pulling away causing me to whimper slightly. I was breathing heavily and I looked into his beautiful eyes. “So am I forgiven?” He whispered huskily and I nodded quickly as we both walked into the classroom. 



Travis’ POV

He WHAT? I yelled at Beca. “After he fucking stood you up, you and him made out?!?!!?!” Beca blushed looking down shamefully. “I’m sorry! Well not really.. But I’m a girl he’s a guy! Do the math!” Beca said trying to defend herself. I decided now was a good as time as ever.

“He’s a trouble maker Bec, you should stay away from him” I warned.

“Oh he is not! You’re just jealous!” And with that she stormed off.


*Afterschool Nick’s POV*

“Hey baby” I said winking at Pandora. She pulled a disgusted face reaching for her wallet.

“Did you do what I asked?” I nodded grinning.

“The bitch doesn’t suspect a thing” I bragged taking the money off her walking away. I could get used to this, everyone paying the new kid to mess with the new girl. She had made some enemies.


Derek’s POV

I know I was probably over reacting but heck I was pissed. Beca cannot just treat me like that, so I did what I had too. Sue me. I grinned stretching going to the forest and shifted into a wolf prowling around bored.



I reached the lake and mentally frowned, who was sitting on the tree? I didn’t recognise that wolf, she wasn’t in my pack. I sniffed the air, that’s strange I can’t pick up her scent. She suddenly looked up at me and I felt my defences  kick in. She stood up alert and got off the tree, looking at me curiously. I can’t tell if she’s a werewolf or an actual wolf. I sent her a mind message, if she was a werewolf she’d be able to hear me and respond, if not well than she wouldn’t. “What pack are you from?” I looked at her waiting for a response.

“I belong to no pack,” she said. Well that answers that question.

“Are you a rogue then?” I demanded and she shook her head.

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