Chapter Ten - Where for art thou?

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Beca's POV

I woke up on a cold floor, darkness surrounding me. What the hell is happening!? I waited against for my eyes adjust, luckily shape shifters have good senses. My hands and legs were bound and I had a gag across my mouth. I saw a girl cowered away from me, tied up the same way I was. My eyes widen as recognition took over. I looked around but no one else was here, I soon realized we were in a cave and it was a giant one at that. I shivered trying to not like the panic and fear take over. I stared at Snow trying to speak to her telepathically. "Are you Snow?" she jumped slightly, squirming looking at me fearfully, shaking her head telling me to be quiet. "No one can hear me, I'm speaking telepathically" she didn't look convinced and tried saying something but it came out muffled. "Shh, focus on me and talk in your mind" luckily I saw her relax and stare at me.

"Who are you?" She asked in a quiet voice even though she said it in her mind.

"My name is Beca, I'm Dereks friend"

"Was he.. Was he looking for me? Derek I mean" 

"Are you joking he's worried sick about you! He was looking all night and all after school" I gasped suddenly remembering.

"What?" Snow asked looking around fearfully.

"I was suppose to meet up with him at like 5, what's the time?" Snow looked at me and I realized she'd probably been tied up for awhile.

"Right, bad question sorry. How long have you been here do you think?" Snow furrowed her eyebrows thinking.

"Not long, about 2 hours before you came here I'd guess" I nodded as footsteps approached. I tensed in fear closing my eyes.

Derek's POV

I opened my eyes just as a man disappeared into the darkness of the cave. "Hey!" I called out jumping out chasing after him. There was two ways to go dammit, I chose the left, "Come back!" I shouted running down there. It was a dead end I had chosen the wrong path. I ran back tripping over some rocks, seeing the entrance of the cave again and the man leaving it. "Hey you!" I shouted and caught up to him.

"Hello" the man said curtly with a hard stare.

"Have you by any chance seen a girl that looks like this?" I handed him a photo and he stared at it for a second. Before shaking his head in thought.

"No sorry" I felt disappointment consume me but I knew I couldn't give up, it had only been 2 days.

"Are they in this cave?" I asked motioning to the cave, but once again he shook his head and something flashed through his eyes, but I dismissed it quickly. I nodded glumly before walking off, deciding it was best to go home. I didn't even humour myself with the thought that my parents had missed me OR Snow.

I slammed my door shut and I heard Mum and Dad quieten. Mum soon entered crossing her arms, she looked worn out, bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. "Derek" She said quietly, looking at me yet not making eye contact. "Mother" I spat out disgusted she hadn't even noticed Snow's absence. "Where have you been?" Well that was odd, mother never gives a damn, something must be up.

"Out." I said crossing my eyes as my father walked in the door.

"And where is out?" My father asked and I rolled my eyes at them suddenly deciding to take on parenthood after about 15 years.

"Why do you even care?" I said bitterly turning on my heel walking upstairs. As I expected they didn't follow me up. The truth was I knew I might be a little harsh on my parents but they haven't always been this way I swear. I can remember a few years back when Snow was about 3 Mother was happy, Dad was.. Well an actual person to look up too. 

*Flash Back* 

I laughed at Snow who was stumbling through the sand trying to walk. I picked her up into my arms hugging her in an embrace. "Need some help there?" I asked smiling. 

I heard a camera click followed by laughter as I turned at Mum and Dad as they grinned at Snow and I taking a photo. We all continued to walk down to the beach finding a good spot. Straight away Snow started playing with the sand and I handed her a bucket, "Let me help you" I said and Mum and Dad sat down with us helping us build  a sandcastle. I wish we were always like that, laughing and just being a normal functioning family. Then again we can't always get what we want. 

*End of flash back*

I sighed staring out the window, Snow, Beca, where are you? I collasped on my bed as the clock struck 2am.

 I woke up at about 7:20 and got ready for school, half asleep still from getting very little sleep lately, I sat dow near my locker and pulled out a book and started reading. No one really knew this but I reallly loved reading, I haven't been reading lately though. I heard someone storm up to me. "Where is she?" Travis shouted at me and I look up slowly and shrugged. 

I was suddenly pulled up by my colar but I didn't bother to fight back, Travis was pissed and he was pretty strong when he chose to be. Although I knew being a wolf I was stronger, I didn't want Beca to hate me even more. He slammed me against the locker yelling at me again, people where starting to stare. "I know she was trying to help you find someone and you where with her last. Where. Is. She" I took a deep breath and he punched me in the nose. Luckily he didn't break it but it started to bleed. "Fuck! I don't know! We went looking for my sister in the forest and she didn't meet back at her place like we organised" I explained and Travis punched me again, I fell to the ground rubbing my jaw. "You better hope she's at home when I get there or you're going to be dead" Travis threatened stalking off. Nick walked past and sniggered at me and I slowly got up. I got my books and headed back to class. 

By the end of the day I felt even worse, straight away going to the police station to report my sister missing, I'd discuss the matter with Beca's mum later. 

The officers weren't very helpful but theyw ere polite, telling me they'd see what they could do. I told them about the man who was coming out of the cave and they wrote down his description. Fifteen minutes later I left, going to the pack house to get some people to help me. I found Conroy and Casper there and got them to help me search.  Once again we found nothing, except Conroy said he could have sworn he seen a man going to a cave. When we searched there we found nothing of course. I went home and my parents looked pissed, "Where's Snow?" Oh so they finally noticed. 

Snow's POV

*A bit before she met Beca*

I was walking around the cave bored, almost tempted to go home but I knew that'd just make things worse. I wonder if anyone had missed me yet, surely Derek noticed I was gone. When I walked back to the entrance of the cave there was a man there. I slowly backed away when he turned to look at me, something about his eyes set alarms off in my head. "You must be Snow" He said and before I could process anything he pulled out a gun and shot me. I felt a prick in my neck and I felt my body go numb as I slowly fell to the ground feeling extremely drowsy. I was scrambling to get a hold of my thoughts, but it seemed everything was to hard to focus on. I soon fell into a deep sleep. 


I felt my body tense as footsteps draw closer I saw Beca close her eyes and pretend to be asleep. I did the same and gasp as his foot connected to my rib cage. "Wake up" He spat at me and I opened my eyes looking at him fearfully. He was about to do the same to Beca but he eyes opened in shock as she looked at the man, her body going rigid. Fear was all I could see in her eyes. "Hello baby" Soon other footseps entered the cave and it was a middle aged man, he was the one who shot me with a dart, but who was the one he just kicked me... The man looked at Beca saying "Daddy's home"

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