"Lovesick Dum-Dum"

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  It was another beautiful day in Camden Town, London, and all the Dalmatian puppies were enjoying it at the park, one of their favorite places (aside from in their father's big, strong arms). All of them were partaking in their favorite activities, whether that be tug-o-war, playing fetch together, digging holes all over the place... Y'know, normal puppy stuff.

  And where were the two eldest pups? Well, Dolly was at the local skatepark practicing her moves on the board, with Roxy, Dizzy, Dee Dee, Delgado, and some other pups as her cheering audience. Meanwhile, Dylan was with Fergus (and carrying a first-aid kit), both boys hanging out and watching Dolly's tricks from not too far.

  Today, Dolly was going to perform a special move that she'd come up with and perfected herself: The Dolldevil. She readied herself and started riding her board down the ramp, and once she was high above the edge, she grabbed her skateboard and hurled it down onto the pavement, soon followed by her landing onto the edge of the ramp, balancing herself with her two forelegs. Finally, she launched herself forward and up off of the edge, and started turning and twisting her body in a series of flips. This was it. The whole stunt was going perfectly, and the crowd was absolutely loving it. Now all she had to do was land directly onto her skateboard and do a complete 360-degree frontside spin. Suddenly...

  While airborne, Dolly briefly caught a glimpse of Hansel looking up towards her and nodding as if to say, "Great moves you've got there," and that was all it took to distract Dolly in a lovestruck daze that quickly left the poor girl getting hit right in the face by her own skateboard.

  Seeing this, Roxy worriedly rushed up to her best friend. "Dolly! Are you okay?"

  Dizzy and Dee Dee promptly followed up on this question by popping up on the top of Roxy's head and asking, "Did you get an owie?"

  "No worries," Dolly answered as she sat herself up a little while holding a paw up to her left eye, "I'm good," though she said it in a rather pained tone.

  Not quite believing this, Dylan immediately approached his stepsister with the first-aid kit in his mouth and said, "I'll be the judge of that." 

  He placed the first-aid kit down next to him and opened it up. Then he turned to Dolly and carefully removed the paw covering up her left eye, revealing the eye to be swollen and surrounded by a big black and blue blotch. Upon seeing it, the younger pups (and Roxy) immediately started whimpering. "Yup, it looks pretty bad," Dylan said as he reached into the first-aid kit for an ice pack, with Fergus concernedly adding, "One of the biggest shiners I've ever seen."

  Dylan gave the ice pack to Dolly, and she slightly flinched as she placed it over her black eye. Then Hansel came up with her skateboard in his mouth. He placed it down next to her and said, "I believe you dropped this."

  Nervous and flustered, Dolly awkwardly grabbed her skateboard with her one free paw, looked up towards the husky's shimmering blue eyes, and responded, "Th-thanks, Handsome- I-I mean, Hansel," eliciting a facepaw from Delgado.

  "Hope your eye gets better," Hansel added. As he walked off, his tail lightly brushed against Dolly, causing her to swoon and prompting Dylan to catch her.

  Delgado simply scoffed and said, "Are you kidding me? That's the fifth time this week that this kind of thing has happened!"

  "Yeah," Dylan commented in agreement, "The stunts she's been attempting recently are way too dangerous."

  "What? No way," Delgado shook his head, "the only reason she keeps messing them up is because she always gets distracted by Hansel."

  "Well, with a bod like that," Fergus rebutted, "can you really blame her?"

  Dolly soon started to awaken. "Ugh, what happened?"

  "Hansel did," Dee Dee answered, to which Delgado followed up, "Sis, you gotta get your act together! Don't let him take your eyes off the prize!"

  "Those eyes...." Dolly swooned.

  "C'mon, Dolly," Delgado said exasperatedly yet earnestly, "I know you can do so much better than this, but your crush on Hansel just keeps making you act like a lovesick dum-dum!"

  "Delgado, don't be mean," Dizzy scolded her wheelchaired older brother, only for him to promptly argue back, "Well, it's true! Crushes are the worst kind of obstacle! All they do is distract you and make you look and act like a total idiot!"

  "Being in love is about a lot more than that, Del," Dylan intervened, "Maybe you'll understand that when it happens to you someday."

  Delgado just scoffed and refuted, "Like that's ever gonna happen." 

  "BEWARE!" Dante shouted out in response, his black, scrunched-up muzzle pressing up against Delgado's black, pointed little nose, "The verbal denial of such an upcoming event shall only tempt the Fates into ensuring that it strikes!" Delgado simply turned his head and rolled his eyes.

  With that, Dolly started getting back on her skateboard, but Dylan promptly stopped her and said, "I think you've done just about enough skateboarding for one day." 

  "Dude, seriously?" Dolly groaned in response, "It's just a black eye," with Dylan rebutting, "Well, it was this time, but the next injury could be a broken muzzle, a ruptured ribcage, or even a concussion!"

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