This'll Be a Walk in the Park

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Delgado and Rosalind were now in the Camden Park, and in stark contrast to the startling raccoon attack just seconds ago, the entire atmosphere was now refreshingly peaceful. Both of them found a little patch of grass and laid down on it, leaning close to each other as the night sky above bathed both of them in its silvery moonlight. Suddenly, Delgado remembered something, so he quickly jumped himself back up and said to Rosalind, "Hey, there's something I wanna show you!"

  "Really? What is it?" Rosalind inquired, to which Delgado promptly answered, "You'll see! Come on!"

  With this, Rosalind got up and started following her wheelchair-bound date, with DJ and Triple-D secretly following the two. Eventually, Delgado brought the young poodle pup to the large, abandoned skatepark where they'd met yesterday. 

  "You were doing some tricks around here yesterday, weren't you?" Rosalind asked, to which Delgado answered, "Yup! This is where I like to practice my own moves when I'm not watchin' my big sis in action!" He then started heading over to the edge of the park's bowl and offered, "Wanna see some of the stuff I've been working on?"

  "Del, don't do it!" Destiny whisperingly exclaimed, "No girl likes a showoff!"

  "Lighten up, Dess," Dallas commented, "Rose is the only dog Delgado knows is watching him."

  "Yeah, those moves are just for her," DJ added, to which Deja Vu started to shout, "Yay, Del-" before the other three swiftly put one paw each over the circle-wearing airhead's mouth.

  "Sure," Rosalind finally answered, and as soon as that reply fell onto Delgado's ears, the wheelchair-bound pup quickly got into gear and jumped right down into the bowl.

  Once he was in there, he immediately started zooming all around and performing a multitude of tricks as he kept reaching the edges, including a bluntslide, a triple midair somersault, a pawplant on (and pawspring off of) the handrail, and even going all the way up and out of the over-vert, doing a 360 body-spin flip, and landing with a cartwheel (all the while, in the background, DJ was playing the instrumental version of "Skater Boy" by Avril Lavigne)!

  After that, Delgado swiftly rushed himself back up the edge where Rosalind was facing, where he capped things off with a final pawplant and a smooth landing spin right then and there. Then he turned his head over to the poodle pup and asked, "So, uhh, what'd you think?"

  The tricks had left Rosalind utterly dazzled to the point of being unresponsive for a little while, but then she quickly snapped herself out of it and answered, "Spectacular!"

  "What?" Destiny quietly exclaimed in disbelief, "That actually worked?!?"

  "Dog right it did," Dallas retorted, with DJ commenting, "Looks like we're gonna have to call Dad's crew over here, 'cause it looks like Delgado is on fire!"

  "AND IT ATTRA-"Deja Vu started to scream before DJ quickly placed his paw over her mouth and asked, "What is it, DV?"

  To answer her older brother's question, Deja Vu pointed towards the half-pipe. To get a better look, DJ pressed on the square tag on his collar, activating a torch light, which he then aimed onto the half-pipe. This light allowed him to see a graffito of a bunch of bears riding on large spiders and snakes, and seeing the scary picture even more clearly prompted Deja Vu to start cowering behind Dallas. Once again, Destiny, Dallas, and DJ each reacted with facepaws.

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