Rabid Raccoon Rumble

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  Now that Delgado and Rosalind had finished off and "paid for" their pasta meal, they both started heading to the park for the next part of their date, with DJ and Triple-D (secretly) in tow. As they were approaching the last block before coming up to the park entrance, Delgado and Rosalind both spotted a rather large colony of fireflies all swarming around some flowers. Upon seeing them, Delgado said, "Wow, that looks so much like my sibs tackling my dad when he comes home," to which Rosalind responded, "Really?" 

  "Oh, yeah," Delgado continued, "he comes through the door, announces that he's home, and then a whole puppy tsunami swarms in to bury him in a bunch of puppies. It doesn't bother him, though; he's just a big hug-bug."

 Rosalind reacted to this by giggling out, "Wow, if that were happening with my brother, Bubbles, he'd just freak out!" 

  "Really?" Delgado asked, "Did he get his name from being so easy to burst?"

  "Well," Rosalind started explaining, "actually, that really only happens if he gets dirty or whenever someone else touches him. As long as neither of those things happen, he's usually just bouncy, super-cheerful, and, well... bubbly."

  "Kinda sounds like Dylan," Delgado was quick to point out, "has he ever tried to wrap anyone in bubble wrap?"

  "Multiple times," Rosalind started answering in between laughter, "that's his favorite kind of carpeting... and wallpaper!"

  This quip immediately made both of them burst into laughter, along with garnering some quiet chuckles from DJ and Triple-D. However, all the laughter was quickly brought to an end when Delgado accidentally bumped into a rubbish can. It wasn't knocked down, but that bumping definitely got the attention of a rabid raccoon who'd been rummaging inside for food, prompting the mad striped creature to jump out, land right on Delgado, and start attacking him!

  "Oh my Dog!" DJ exclaimed, "Delgado!" He usually-chill pup quickly rushed to take action, only for his glitter-diva little sisters to yank him down by the collar. "Oof!"

  "Don't get involved!" Destiny scolded, with Dallas adding, "You'll totally get us all caught-" and Deja Vu continuing, "-if you do."

  "So we're just supposed to stand here and let him get torn apart?!" DJ protested in a tone that simultaneously expressed both anger and concern.

  Meanwhile, after struggling with the wheelchair-bound pup for a few seconds, the rabid raccoon had their mouth wide open and looked ready to chomp at any part of Delgado's body (and/or rip his ears or face off). However, before they were able do so, Rosalind swiftly grabbed them by the long, striped tail and tossed them all the way across the street!

  She then quickly turned over to an enraptured (and slightly scratched-up) Delgado and asked, "You okay?"

  It took a little while for Delgado to answer due to his state of a-stun-ishment, but then he vigorously shook his head to snap himself out of it and finally answered, "Uh, y-yeah! You're good- I-I mean, I'm good. That was just... amazing."

  "Well, uhh, to be fair," Rosalind bashfully excused with a light-pink blush forming on her face, "you did tire them out for me."

  "Still, though," Delgado responded, still pretty awestruck, "you really showed 'em who's boss."

  "Uuuhhhh..." Rosalind's blushing deepened from light-pink to hot-pink, "let's just keep going, okay?"

  "Sure," Delgado agreed, and they both continued their walk up to the park.

  Meanwhile, DJ was still totally shocked by the whole spectacle. "Whoa."

  "'Whoa,' indeed," Dallas remarked, and Destiny added, "Looks like Del's got him quite an Amazon," prompting this question from Deja Vu: "Delgado owns a shopping company?!"

  Understandably, this elicited a facepaw from each of the other three.

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