Amore Dei Cuccioli

355 5 45

  Before long, Delgado and Rosalind finally arrived at Romano's. The whole building, inside and outside, clearly had the motif of a classic Italian restaurant (with some touches of French style) with colors mainly consisting of white, tomato red, and basil green- definitely a color scheme bound to leave a mouth watering (along with the intoxicatingly delicious aromas emitting from inside). There were also some tables set right outside the building for outdoor dining, just like several French cafés. 

  Meanwhile, Triple-D were lurking at a respectful distance behind their speedy brother and his date, with DJ standing beside them. "Okay, DJ."

  "We've got the gear to set up their table."

  "You got the tunes?"

  "You know I always do," DJ answered in a cool, confident whisper, whipping out his trusty keyboard. "Thank Dog Da Vinci taught me Italian."

  With that, the three little divas started sneaking past Delgado and Rosalind to set up their personal table at the back of the building. Meanwhile, DJ stayed behind, got his keyboard prepared, and started playing some romantic Italian songs. Obviously, this music didn't go unheard by the humans who were dining outside. Pretty soon, all of them got out of their chairs and started dancing along to the music. As a result, there were quickly a bunch of large (at least by dog standards) feet all over the place, prompting both Delgado and Rosalind to rush over into the alley to the right of the building. There, they found quite a surprise!

  There was a small, puppy-sized table adorned with a beautiful French-blue and white floral-designed tablecloth, and atop it was a couple of small yet brightly-lit candles in beautiful red holders (adorned with white hearts), two beige and dark reddish-brown pamphlets that appeared to be copies of the restaurant's menus, a breadstick-filled, little basket with a basil-green cloth, and two little white cards on opposite sides of the table, with each of the two's names in golden-yellow cursive letters. 

  "Well," Rosalind finally spoke up, "that's unexpected."

  "Yeah," Delgado added in agreement, "maybe they saw us at the restaurant and got a table ready."

  They both went up towards the table, sat themselves down (on the little seats that accompanied the table, both of which had emerald-green cushioning), and started browsing through their menus. Delgado was speed-reading through his, and all the while, he was thinking to himself, Ooh! Bolognese sauce! That sounds so good!

  "I think I'll get the vegan pesto spaghetti with organic roma tomatoes," Rosalind said as she placed her menu down, prompting Delgado to quickly (and nervously) respond, "Uhh, y-yeah, me too!"

  "Are you sure?" Rosalind commented, quickly noticing the traces of reluctance in his voice. "We don't have to both get the same thing."

  "Well," Delgado began, "I've actually never had it before, but that doesn't mean I don't want to."

  "Okay then. I sure hope you like the roma tomatoes, or 'romatoes," as I like to call them." Rosalind started giggling, and Delgado soon found himself chuckling along.

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