Asking Her Out

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  Later that day, all of the pups were at the park, just like yesterday. However, instead of being at the skatepark (watching Dolly or practicing his own moves), Delgado was walking with Triple-D. "So lemme get this straight: your plan to get me to snap out of my crush on Rosalind is to set me up on a date with her?!"

  The little diva triplets all chuckled a little before Destiny answered, "No, silly!"

  "We're not gonna set one up!"

  "You are!"

  "W-W-WHAT?! Me?!?" Delgado sputtered in sheer shock.

  "Well, of course!" Destiny replied.

  "She is your crush..."

  "After all."

  "Will I at least be given note cards?" Delgado asked, to which Deja Vu was quick to answer, "No way!"

  "It's gotta be genuine," Dallas started explaining, with Destiny adding (while clearly holding her heart-shaped pendant in her tiny paws), "Y'know, straight from the heart."

  With that, Delgado turned his head over to Rosalind, who had just finished working on an equation with Dawkins and Albert. Briefly preparing himself, Delgado started quietly making his way over to the young poodle pup, all the while thinking to himself, Do those three really think this is gonna work? Then again, I guess being rejected is one of the best ways to fall out of love with someone. I guess it's worth a try. 

  Once he got close enough, Delgado reached one of his paws out to lightly tap Rosalind's shoulder, but then he quickly froze up and started thinking, just can't do this!

  He started turning around to walk away, but in doing so, his red wheelchair accidentally bumped the poodle pup's side, leading her to promptly turn her head over to him. "Oh! Delgado!"

  Startled upon hearing Rosalind calling out his name, the spotty, handicapped pup flinched and silently turned over to her. "Oh, uhhh... Rosie- I-I-I mean Rosalind!"

  "Was there something you wanted to talk to me about?" Rosalind asked him, to which Delgado replied very rapidly and nervously, "Weeellll... I was just wondering if you had any important plans tonight- then again, you probably do; I mean, let's be real here- but if by some off chance that you don't, then maybe you wouldn't mind... goingonadatewithme?"

  After blurting all of that out, the young disabled puppy looked at the powder-blue poodle pup for a little while before she finally answered, "Sure! What did you have in mind?"

  "Welllll..." Delgado began, rubbing one of his forelegs with the other paw, "maybe a nighttime stroll around here? There's also that new Italian restaurant, Romano's."

  "Ooh! Dinner for two at a new restaurant!" Destiny whispered as she, Dallas, and Deja Vu were all watching the whole thing from a distance, with Dallas adding, "Excellent choice!" and Deja Vu shouting out, "I like spaghetti!"

  Thankfully, the three of them had just enough distance from the whole scene (which they observed through their own pairs of glittery pink binoculars) that this didn't draw attention to themselves. 

  In response to Delgado's suggestion, Rosalind said, "That sounds great! My human, Franklin, is having some of his friends over at our dormitory at 18:30 for study group. Does that time sound good to you?"

  "Uh, yeah," Delgado answered somewhat sheepishly, "sooo... how do I get there? Your dormitory, that is."

  "You know what? I already know how to get to your house- since Dawkins lives there, too- so how about I head over there to pick you up?"

  "Oh, uh, okay. I'll see you there!"

  Both of them kept waving at each other as Delgado started backing away, until he eventually turned around and rushed right behind a not-too-far tree, his whole face feeling like a preheated oven.

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