Ch.03 ↬ J

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I didn't like to be bullshitted.

And right now, I could really strangle the temporary manager I hired two years ago for that sole reason. When I advertised the position and read through Tim Matthews' application, I suspected he would be the most competent for the role and he would continue to drive Kelly Industries up the road of success. Instead, he slowly managed to run it to the ground, so the company was hanging on by mere threads.

And now I was being told that there were issues with some of the computer technicians that manage online advertising and the maintenance of websites, but "things were being dealt with" which I knew was a fucking lie. When I personally interviewed Tim, I realised he performed certain mannerisms whenever he stumbled on his words. It became apparent to me that he was either embellishing in those moments or lying completely.

Wringing his hands together was his trademark signature of lying. And guess what he was doing right now? Yep, you fucking guessed it. Wringing his fucking hands.

"I'm going to stop you before you can conjure up something to placate me." On the desk between us—he was in the seat I would soon occupy in a few days' time—was a stack of manila envelopes and folders regarding the current business accounts, contracts, and any complaints lodged by employees and the status of them. I jabbed the top manila envelope with my finger. "This envelope contains the complaints you're referencing. And according to the documentation, nothing has been done to rectify the situations."

"Well—I don't think—they might not have had enough time to document it. Or maybe you've printed it off too soon. Maybe they have documented it now." Tim's hazel eyes lit up at the possibility and his voice held faux bravado. He angled his body towards the computer to check the documentation on the system, flashing me his profile where his dark hair was becoming peppered with grey tendrils.

"No, don't bother. You want to know the other reason why I know for a fact that there's been no rectification?" I didn't wait for Tim to respond in any way before elucidating. "Do you know Vincent Young?"

His eyebrows furrowed as his brain worked vehemently to see if that name rang any bells so he could actually vie to read some sort of understanding between us or satisfy me completely. When he came up blank, he shook his head, pursing his lips. A muscle jumped in his jaw and I was appeased to know this was infuriating him. The entire situation fucking infuriated me.

"He's a computer technician. He also happens to be my best friend. And if you'd like, I can summon him here and he'll swear to all things holy that you have done nothing in regard to the complaints filed. You realise the situation has been exasperated to the point of several employees handing in their resignations, right?"

A crimson hue appeared, blotching Tim's cheeks. "I've had other things to deal with. I've been working to advertise the three vacant computer technician roles."

"We had a deal, Tim. While you were in charge, you would keep me updated. You conveniently neglected to mention the lost of employees and the complaints from the computer technicians. As temporary as it is, you may be the acting CEO, but I'm still in charge of you. That was in your contract. Do you remember that part?"

He dipped his head in a jerky motion, acknowledging my words but refusing to speak.

My voice remained calm but authoritative. "I want those advertisements for the three computer technician roles finished by Monday when the contract terminates, and I will proceed with the complaints raised. Any other issues, you forward them straight to me. Is that clear, Tim?"

Under the rolled-up sleeves of his baby blue shirt, Tim's muscles in his arms were flexing. He was wringing his hands under the desk. Maybe after I'd pointedly dropped my gaze to his wringing hands earlier in the conversation he'd cottoned on to the fact that I was aware of his nervous mannerism and was endeavouring to subsequently conceal it.

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