Ch.11 ↬ J

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Maybe if I dressed up smartly it would distract Madeline from all the embarrassing stories Vincent would undoubtedly share with her tonight.

That, at any rate, was my mantra. The probability of it becoming a reality was possibly slim to nothing, but at least I had some belief, right? Fuck. That was definitely not the case.

Still, it was too late for me to change. I'd even offered to drive Madeline to Shake Shack, a popular, modern diner/restaurant not too far from us, but she insisted she'd drive so I could have a drink. As much as I was craving a beer or two after the week at work—which included ensuring the new IT technicians were up to scratch—I don't know how comfortable I felt knowing Madeline wouldn't be drinking. Then again, Vincent did say Raegan was going to remain his designated driver due to her lightweight status.

That also meant ensuring Two Penguins had a good first week.


Every time I hear that name I think of Noah's Ark and I can't help myself.

Two Llamas.

Donning black skinny jeans and a tight-fitting long-sleeve Fred Perry T-shirt that enhanced my muscles from my contracting days, I knew it would undeniably attract the attention of Madeline. Whenever I've worn the same attire on a night out, I've never failed to find a willing woman to fuck later during the night. While I didn't expect or set to plan for the same fate tonight, I just wanted it to serve as a distraction, as I've said.

At half five promptly there was a knock on my door. With one final glance in the mirror at my hair—not that it made much difference considering it was still a buzzcut right now, though it was beginning to grow out—I paused in front of the door. Sneakily I peeked through the peephole to view Madeline, but when I realised her gaze was firmly latched on my single eye already, I virtually jumped back from the door.

Shit. She'd caught me.

I guess the only way to distract her from my indiscretion was to act so confident... right?

There were several flaws in that plan, I know. No need to point them all out to me.

"Hey," I said to her, opening the door wide.

At first, I was seemingly captivated by her. She donned a sheer golden dress, loose-fitting around her body and her arms with the long sleeves. It fell straight to her thighs, once again concealing the true curves of her body underneath. But for a moment I simply forgot about that and focused on her hair. As featured heavily in my fantasies, sections of her hair were braided.

"Are you okay?" she asked, a confused smile twitching at her crimson lips.

Jesus. If the braids weren't enough... she was wearing crimson lipstick. And with a quick glance down I could confirm that she was wearing gold heels. Not too much of a large heel, but enough to make her noticeably taller. The heels, accompanied with the braids and crimson lipstick, would become the centre of my fantasy from now on after having witnessed her in that state.

"Yeah, yeah," I stammered. "I'm fine. You just look great."

She blushed at my compliment, no matter how lame it sounded and how much more she deserved. "Thank you. You ready to go?"

Slipping my phone and wallet into my pockets, I locked the door behind me and followed Madeline to her car. I tried so fucking hard not to gawk at her legs, but it was so damn difficult. There was something about the golden sheer dress draped over her porcelain skin that was stirring my cock, alerting it to the fact that despite her cleavage was virtually all covered, her bare legs were on display.

The car journey was mainly Madeline and I catching up each other on the goings-on in our lives. Unless we run into each other on the stairs or in the hallway—which was highly unlikely given my late office hours—we don't usually see one another. She told me that she was still searching for a job, but some prospects were looking promising, and I told her that I thought about branching out into advertisings such as store signs and logos, for example.

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