Playing Matchmaker

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(A/n: This is in Ginny's POV by the way)

The war is over, so people can finally be happy again, I think it's time to do some love magic.
Another mission accomplished, I thought once again as I wave Neville and Luna off as they go to their date. I have always known about their feelings for each other but they were both too shy to admit it, so I kind of set them up and, as usual, it works. Everyone just calls me a "matchmaker" but I think that I've got a special touch when it comes to love, not to brag. I rush up the stairs to my room and grab my diary from a secret compartment in my trunk. I flip through some embarassing entries about Harry and I finally reach the page that I need. Bill and Fleur, check. Percy and Audrey, check. George and Angelina, check. Ron and Lavender, check. Neville and Luna, check. Harry and I, check. Wait, Fred and Hermione, They still aren't together. I've got to fix this. I rush down the stairs and find Fred sitting in a chair reading. Wait, READING?! Fred never reads, oh that's why, I think to myself as I see Hermione sitting on the other chair, also reading. Fred kept on peeking up from his book every now and then just to steal a glance at Hermione. Hermione notices and blushes slightly. How they are oblivious to each other's feelings is beyond me. I clear my throat to make my presence known and they both snap their heads up to look at me in surprise.
"Ginny? What are you doing here? You rarely read." Asked Fred
"I should ask you the same, brother dear" I reply and Fred blushes, wait, he NEVER blushes.
"Just decided to keep the young Granger company, Gin"
"For your information Fred, Hermione is NOT young" I add with a smile causing Hermione to grin smugly, as if to say, "I survived a war, I am not young"
Fred raised his arms in defeat "Ok ok. But really Gin, what do you need? Maybe some help with Harry, eh?" He asked with a smirk and I tried hard to keep my blush down.
"Nope, none of the sort. Just wanted to ask if I could talk to you in private?" I ask and Hermione stands and announces that she's going to take a nap.
"So sis?"
"You like Hermione" I say in a matter-of-fact tone. Fred rubs the back of his neck, like he always does when he's nervous.
"Ermmm—" he starts nervously and I smile at him, a hopeful expression painted on my face.
"Maybe a tiny bit?" He says softly, barely a whisper.
I squeal and bounce around the room, my suspicions were correct! A million thoughts swirl around my head at 10000mph. A plan immediately hits me, they are so going on a date tomorrow.
I kiss his cheek and run back to my room, Excited for their day ahead.

After breakfast the next day, I convince Hermione to meet me at The Three Broomsticks at 2:30 and I say the same to Fred. Little do they know that I won't show up, ok, I will show up, but on the side, watching their love story unfold. I take my biggest coat, with a hood, even though it's the middle of summer, and apparate over to The Three Broomsticks. I was so glad that Professor McGonagall gave me permission to take the apparition test early. I rushed to hide in the allyway between The Three Broomsticks and another shop and spied through the window. 2:28, I check my watch
2:29 I see Hermione rush inside
2:30! I see Fred walk in scanning the room looking for me but sees Hermione instead. He walks over to the table, confused.

"Hermione? Why are you here? And have you seen Ginny?" I hear Fred ask and grin to myself
"I was going to ask you the same thing Fred" replied Hermione and they discuss me. They soon figure out that I set them up and they grin at each other.
"I guess we don't have to hide it anymore Granger" said Fred, in a surprisingly calm voice. Hermione blushes and nods slightly, not meeting Fred's eyes.
Fred orders their butterbeers and they chat softly. A few minutes later, Fred takes Hermione's hand and they walk around Hogsmeade with me discreetly following them. Later, Fred must have been feeling brave, because he took Hermione in his arms and pressed his lips to hers. I tried REAL hard not to squeal like a fangirl but the sound still escaped my lips, blowing my cover.

Fred and Hermione walk over to me and smile
"Thanks Ginny" Fred whispers and Hermione just gives me a look that says "We'll talk later"


"And that kids is how your mom and dad got together" I say to Rose and Fred II as their parents look on, amused at how their children manage to survive that same story every night.

"Now loves, go say good night to your Aunt Ginny" says Hermione, a smile on her face
"Good night Auntie Ginny" chorus Fred and Rose and they kiss my cheek.

Fred, Hermione and I leave their bedrooms and Hermione surprises me by pulling me into a hug and saying "You know Ginny, I never did thank you for setting us up"
I shrug "Making me your maid of honor was thanks enough. So is being the twins' godmother" I reply

They smile at me and go back to their own rooms and a few minutes later, I hear soft moans coming from inside. I smile to myself, if I hadn't set them up this wouldn't have happened. So everything does happen for a reason.

A/n: Hello again!! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this!

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