Invisible String

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A/n: Hey guysssss! I'll save the longer author's note for later, but hope you guys can catch the references to a certain artist. this isn't FULLY Fremione, but more of an everyday life one-shot, I hope you guys like it, even if it definitely isn't my best work. So, without further ado.....

Hermione Granger was out and about in the city today, having taken a leave from work, as insisted by her boyfriend, Fred Weasley. Yes, the 1 and only Fred Weasley, prankster extraordinaire, the one who broke more rules than there are galleons in Gringotts. As I was saying, Hermione was taking a stroll around the city, smiling to herself. At first, she didn't want to leave work today, she loved paperwork, but Fred had insisted that she needed a break, so here she was. She had just finished watching the matinee of the day, and she thought it was marvelous. She stepped out of the theater and pulled her cardigan tighter around her body, it was a chilly day. She entered the bookstore next to the theater and skimmed through the numerous titles. Her eyes landed on a book about the last great american dynasty. She picked it up and weighed her options. Hermione has always been interested in both muggle and wizarding history. 

10 minutes later, she was walking out of the bookstore, book in hand, looking quite pleased indeed. She hummed to herself whilst strolling aimlessly around London. She slipped into an area populated with magic folk, even if she was on leave, she wouldn't pass up an opportunity to check around. She greeted all she passed by, laughing at the young witch who dyed her dog key-lime green in a burst of accidental magic. 
She exited the magic area and continued her exile from work, taking in the beautiful scenery around her. She passed a nearby park and she was delighted at the way muggles were caring for nature. Birds were flying, and some others were balancing on breaking branches. She saw some young kids gathering stones, not knowing exactly what they're going to do with them. Hermione smiled at their innocence.

She passed a yogurt shop and entered. She always loved this place, this was where she and Fred had their first date. They loved the mirrorball on the ceiling of the place, it complemented the teal walls really nicely. There was even a time they had a disco-night, and Fred and Hermione had joined in on the fun. Hermione smiled to herself, those were some great memories. She remembered that she had been so happy, she could've spun around in her highest heels, she was practically shining. 
When she finished her yogurt, she took her phone out, checking if she got any messages from her secretary, Rebekah. To her dismay, there were none concerning the Ministry, just seven from Fred, all of them telling her he was cooking up a surprise for her at home. Hermione smiled as she read the last message, "Love you to the Moon and to Saturn". 

She continued her walk home, despite Fred's pleads for her not come home just yet. The cool august air whipped her curly brown hair around, making her giggle and savor the moment, it was rare for her to have peace and quiet. She passed London Eye and was saddened to see a young couple fighting. She knew it was rude to eavesdrop, but she couldn't help herself.
"You never knew that I cancelled my plans for you, James!"
"But, Inez, this is me TRYING"
"You're doing the opposite of trying"
"Well, at least I'm trying"

Hermione shook her head, she and Fred had fights, sure, but never full-blown ones. They had this mutual understanding for each other, and she was sure that they'd last. She felt the need to clear her head after that rather, uh, impolite intrusion, so she opened her phone. Again. She still didn't see any message about illicit affairs at the Ministry. No clandestine meetings, for once in her life. Her phone beeped and she saw another text from Fred, "You can come home now Mione. I've got a joke I'm dying to tell someone. Ginny didn't find it funny. She says hi"
Hermione rolled her eyes and smiled, sometimes it felt like there was a sort of invisible string tying her and Fred together, sort of like soulmates. She reminisced about the times they had acted almost like the same soul. Like that time when someone told Hermione she looked like an American singer, they both said the same thing at the same time; "What the- Who?!"
She remembered the time Draco Malfoy had insulted Hermione, calling her a "mad woman", during their time at Hogwarts, and that was the time Hermione had fought back. Malfoy had sneered and asked her why she bothered to even talk to him. Fred had swooped in and said "Does a scorpion sting when fighting back? They strike to kill, and you know Hermione will, Malfoy". Draco didn't bother her after that.  

And then there was the war. She remembered sobbing, "Molly, I think he's bleeding out". That was when Molly Weasley told her to sleep. She couldn't. She needed to cry her out out. The crying must've tired her out because she dreamed of some epiphany. 
It hadn't been more than twenty minutes, when Ginny shook her awake, saying that he woke up. Hermione had had a sudden burst of energy, and sprang up and ran towards the body of her lover. She wrapped her arms around him and cried into his shoulder, "I thought I'd lost you" she whispered. 
In real time, Hermione rubbed her eyes, trying to keep from crying. The memory always hit her hard, she could've lost him. But you didn't, a little voice in her head said. She nodded and continued her walk home, stopping to chat with her friend Betty for a while. They were giggling like schoolgirls, gossiping about what happened at work today, "He didn't show up at her party", she said, "No way!" Hermione had said, laughing. They conversed for a while, before saying good-bye and splitting ways. 
It had been a while, and Hermione was surprised that her phone was in peace. Fred hadn't texted her in a while, probably giving her the silence that only comes when two people understand each other. She practically floated home.

At long last, Hermione was turning the knob to the flat that she and Fred shared. "Mione!" Fred called, wrapping her in his arms and kissing her forehead, "How was your relaxing day-off?"
Hermione scoffed, "More like exile" she said, "But it was great, thank you"
"Anything for you, love" Fred grinned, pulling her towards the living room, "Dance?" he asked, gesturing to the makeshift dance floor he had prepared for them. Hermione gasped, "Yes, I'd love to". Fred took her hand and swayed her to the music, "It's been 5 years of us, Mione" he murmured, Hermione nodded into his shoulder, "Time flies, doesn't it?"
Fred took a deep breath and bit his lip, "I have something to ask you, love" he said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Hermione's brows furrowed, "Sure" she replied. Fred got down on one knee and pulled a small velvet box from his back pocket. And before he could speak, Hermione had wrapped her arms around him, crying uncontrollably, "yes, yes, yes" she whispered, tearfully. Fred chuckled, "How sure are you that this isn't some sort of hoax?" he asked. Hermione smiled, "If it was, it would be the only hoax I believe in". 

A/n: So yes, after 353 millennia, I have updated. Not the best, I know, but folklore inspired me greatly, so here it is. It isn't THAT centered around Fremione, and the only explanation I have for that is the fact that I haven't been reading much Fremione recently, as Mileven has busied me. Also, I'm rereading the entire HP series to refresh my knowledge and stuff. So I hope you liked this update and I will try my very best to update more. 
Love you all, 

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