Stuck With You

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A/n: I couldn't resist, it's ANOTHER muggle AU, but this is a modern one. And also, given our current situation, I got inspiration from that.

It was April 2nd, and Hermione was lounging around her parents' house, alone, as her parents were out traveling and her brother, Noah, was out working in who-knows-where.
Her phone beeped and she saw that a message had been sent, by her best friend, Ginny's brother.
It said:
Hey 'Mione!
Thanks for coming to my birthday celebration yesterday, and I was wondering, would it be ok if I invited a few friends to your house later this afternoon? We'd like to catch up with you, because we haven't seen you since you graduated from college.
Love, Fred

She smiled, and quickly replied to Fred, agreeing.
He sent his thanks and she quickly prepared a few plates of food.
The doorbell rang and Fred, George, Angelina, Katie, Alicia, Harry, and the rest of the Weasleys bustled in.
Hermione grinned and hugged each person in turn.
They sat themselves around her living room, eating pizza and chips, just catching up in life.

They missed quite a lot in each other's lives, as the hangout lasted until about 10:45 PM.
Only Fred, Hermione and Ginny were left.
A few minutes later, Ginny hustled out the door, thanking Hermione for the lovely day, and then she was gone.
Fred was saying his goodbyes to Hermione when, a loud clap of thunder shook the house, and they both heard rain pouring down.
Despite Hermione's protests, Fred dashed out the door, insisting he was okay to walk home to his flat.
And just as he stepped outside, the rain poured harder, making him yelp as the rain dripped down his body, soaking him to the bone.
He ran back inside and Hermione tossed him a towel.

As he dried off, Hermione offered a solution, "Stay with me tonight" she said.
Fred dropped the towel, "What?"
"Stay with me tonight" repeated Hermione "Noah's got some clothes in his room. You can stay there for the night. Then when the storm clears, you can go home. Deal?" She said, extending a hand for him to shake.
Fred reconsidered his options, and to be honest, there weren't many.
So he agreed and shook Hermione's outstretched hand.

He made his way to Noah Granger's bedroom.
Hermione's brother had good taste.
Fred took a quick shower then pulled the sheets up to his chin and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Hermione awoke to the sizzle of a pan.
She rubbed her eyes then hopped out of the bed.
She made her way down the few steps from her bedroom to the kitchen.
Fred was whistling while flipping a pancake, a few finished ones on a plate beside him.
"Good morning" greeted Hermione and Fred returned it.
They sat down at the table and ate in silence, until Hermione turned the TV on and switched it to the news.
"Storm worsens. All people must stay home" the headlines read.
She nudged Fred and gestured to the screen.
He nearly choked on his pancakes.
"But-but I can't stay with you until the storm is over!" He spluttered.
Hermione shool her head firmly, "You've got no choice. And besides, how long is a month of quarantine?" She said.
"A MONTH?!" Exclaimed Fred, Hermione shrugged, "That's what the news said." She said and returned to her breakfast.

So, as Fred had no say in this matter, they went by a week, only talking to each other during meal times, awkwardness bubbling inside of them.
They both spent most of their time in their respective rooms, just scrolling on their phones, and watching movies separately.
Hermione didn't mind the personal space, but she felt the need to get to know Fred during this quarantine.
And she got her wish that evening, err, early morning.

2:24 AM read the time on Hermione's phone.
Had I really been on Instagram that long?
She yawned and headed down to the kitchen, planning to make a soothing cup of tea.
As soon as she turned the kettle on, footsteps echoed across the halls, waking her from her sleepy state.
"'Mione?" The figure called,
"Fred? What are you doing up at this hour?" She asked, pouring the hot water into her mug.
"I should ask you the same, Granger" Fred replied.
Hermione blushed, "I was-um- just scrolling through my Instagram feed" she said meekly.
Fred chuckled, "Never thought that YOU, of all people, would be up at this hour because of social media" he remarked.
Hermione pouted, "Their are a lot of things you don't know about me, Fred Weasley. Do you want a cup of tea?" She asked and he nodded, so she proceeded to pour a cup for him too.
Fred sipped his tea thoughtfully, "Whatever will we do tomorrow?" He asked, dramatically.
Hermione giggled, "Well my parents have an indoor badminton court in the garden, we could play if you'd like" she suggested and he smiled, "Sure. But get ready Hermione Granger, because I am gonna whoop your arse at badminton, I'm a pretty good player, not to brag" he said.
Hermione crossed her arms across her chest, "We'll see about that, Weasley. I took lessons mind you"
Fred smirked at her, "Challenge accepted. G'night 'Mione, we need our sleep"
Hermione only turned around, a feisty, competitive look etched on her face.

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