Happily Ever After

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It was April First, Fred and George Weasley's birthday, and George was out with his wife, Angelina Johnson. Fred was sleeping in with his long-time girlfriend, Hermione Granger.
Let's take a look at their day.

Hermione awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs. She rubbed her eyes and walked over to the kitchen in the flat that she and her boyfriend shared.
"Good morning, love." chirped Fred and he kissed her cheek.
Hermione smiled, "Good morning to you too. Happy birthday, Fred." she said "I should've been the one to cook breakfast, it's your birthday, not mine." she pouted.
Fred chuckled, "It's fine, I just woke up early and decided to cook." he replied.

They sat down at the table and chatted lightly.
Once they finished, Fred looked Hermione in the eye and said "Hermione, we need to talk," with a serious look on his face, he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the sofa.
Hermione fidgeted nervously, "We need to break up," Fred stated and Hermione's bottom lip quivered slightly, "W-What?" she squeaked
And to her surprise, Fred burst out laughing, "Happy April Fool's, love!" he cried, earning him a slap on the arm from Hermione, "Frederick Gideon Weasley! You scared me! I truly thought you meant it." she said.
Fred cupped her face and stroked her cheeks, "Never," he whispered and kissed her forehead.

They sat together on the couch for a bit, with Hermione scolding Fred for that prank, "That hurt, Fred." she said at one point.
Fred smiled, "I'm sorry, love, let me make it better for you, okay?" he said sincerely, and Hermione nodded.
She crossed her legs and waited for Fred to sweep her into a kiss, as he always did when he said that "he'll make it better".
But he never did kiss her.

Instead, he fumbled with his pocket and pulled out a small, black velvet box.
He opened it and took a nervous breath, "Hermione Jean Granger, would you-?"
His question was cut short by Hermione tackling him in a huge hug, so tight that he was surprised that he could breathe.
"Yes!" Hermione exclaimed once she pulled away, "Of course," she added and kissed Fred deeply, putting all the love she felt for him into it.
He dragged her back into their bedroom, all rational thoughts disappearing as soon as Hermione pulled him back into their bed.

----- 5 months later -----

Hermione was pacing around Ginny's bedroom at The Burrow, nervous as any bride-to-be can be.
"Sweet Merlin, what if he says 'I do not'?!" she exclaimed for the fifth time that day.
In truth, Ginny, Fleur, and Angelina were already getting a tad irritated by all her worries.
So, for the millionth time, Ginny grabbed her best friend by the shoulders and looked her directly in the eye, "Hermione Jean Granger. You look at me right now. If my git of a brother says 'I do not', a bunch of hexes will be thrown his way. Honestly, I don't know why you started dating that idiot." she said and went on to muse the last part.
Hermione smiled through her nervous tears, "Thanks Ginny, I'm glad that you're gonna be my sister."
Ginny gave her a reassuring hug, "Me too 'Mione."

Harry knocked on the door and Hermione opened it, smiling widely.
"Ready, sis?" he asked and those words reduced Hermione to tears of joy.
She pulled him into a warm embrace and whispered in his ear "Yes I am, Harry. Thank you,"
Harry grinned at her, offered his arm and led her down the stairs, her bridesmaids and maid-of-honor following close behind.

Fred was nervously standing beside Kingsley, who had agreed to preside over the ceremony.
Angelina and Fleur walked down the aisle first, but Fred was oblivious to his sister-in-laws in their flowing lavender dresses with an ultramarine belt wrapped around their slender waists.
His sister followed and he payed a bit more attention for two reasons.
One, Ginny was his sister and two, he knew his bride was coming.
George elbowed him gently and his breath caught in his throat, his knees felt wobbly merely at the sight of Hermione.
A soft melody began to play and Fred grinned at the song choice that he and Hermione agreed on,

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