A Foreseen Love

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(Fred POV)

Divination. I hate that blasted subject, but alas, it was next on my timetable. I grudgingly trudged up the ladder to the Divination classroom. And as if the world hates me, I saw that we had to do Divination with some third years. Now, I don't have anything against third years, but doing the subject alone is terrible enough, but with others? Worse. And old Trelawny said that she would be partnering us up according to the strength of our "inner eye". Whatever that is.

And guess who she partnered me up with? Hermione Granger. Gryffindor's resident bookworm and know-it-all. Well, on the bright side, she hated Divination just as much as I did, so we'd probably get along.

I took a seat across Hermione on the round table. I gave her a smile and she returned it, and I noticed that she no longer had buck teeth and her hair had grown less bush and more wavy. I thought she looked like a pretty teenager. Wait did I just call Hermione pretty? I was a tiny bit shocked with myself but I shrugged it off as soon as class started.

Professor Trelawney's airy voice drifted into the winds and I could hear that she said, "Children, please take the teacup in front of your partner and consult the book in front of you as you read the tea leaves. And remember, use your inner eye"
I rolled my eyes but reached in front of me to grab Hermione's teacup. I looked inside to make up a bunch of blobs. I checked the book nonetheless.
The professor glided towards us and questioned us on what we see. I, having absolutely NO clue whatsoever, just decided to randomize my answer, "Um, So Hermione will have this guy pursue her and she doesn't like him at first but, uh— she's gonna eventually like him?" I tried and to my great surprise, Trelawney nodded, apparently satisfied, "Very good Mr Weasley. Five points to Gryffindor"

Hermione looked at me amused and decided to try her luck at reading my tea leaves.
"Oh Professor, I see that Fred here is going to pine after the girl he has yearned for and eventually she will fall for him too" she said, dramatically to me but it went unnoticed by the Professor.
"Ah, I sense that your inner eye isn't refined Miss Granger" she said, causing Hermione to huff, "But" Trelawney continued "That is correct, Ten more points to Gryffindor" she finished and glided away to evaluate the others.

I took a look at Hermione and we made eye contact for a while before bursting out laughing.
"I-I can't believe she actually believed I knew what I was talking about!" I exclaimed and we wiped tears of mirth from our eyes.
Then Hermione got serious, "Hey Fred, isn't it a little weird that both our 'predictions' were about love?" She asked, making air quotes around "predictions".
I shook my head "Naw, just a coincidence maybe" I said and she shrugged.
Once class ended I pulled Hermione to the side and gave her a smile "Nice partnering with you today Granger" I said and she grinned, "The same to you Weasley. See you around" she replied, waving.
I waved back "See you 'round too"


A few days after that class, I had forgotten about that prediction, but little did I know that it would make a VERY big impact on my life.

"Fred! Mate, it's almost time to go to Hogsmeade! I asked Angelina and she said yes, heard that Lee and Katie are going too. Asked anyone yet?" Babbled George as I did my homework. I sighed "Not yet, and George, it's still 5 days away. Now please let me finish this" I said and he shrugged and left.

Then it sunk in, who WAS i going to ask? Every possible girl was taken. Well, not every. I thought to myself as Hermione ran into the room plopped down on her favorite seat, and took out what was probably next week's homework.
That's when it registered to me, I had taken quite a fancy towards the young Granger, and as fate would have it, she didn't have a date for Hogsmeade.

I took a deep breath and sat down next to Hermione. I tapped her shoulder gently and she whipped her head to face me, "Oh! Hey Fred! What's up?" She asked cheerfully.
I smiled "So, care to join me in Hogsmeade?" I asked and she raised an eyebrow, "This is a joke right?" She asked, surprising me with her words.
I shook my head and she narrowed her eyes at me, "I'm pretty sure this is a prank and I am determined not to fall for it, so no" she said and this may have dampened my mood, but I wasn't going to give up so easily.

"Well, ok 'Mione. But just remember, I won't stop 'till you say yes" I said with newfound courage.
She smirked at me, "We'll see if you can get me to say yes Fred" and with that, she trudged up the stairs to the girls' dormitory.

I shook my head in amusement, I am gonna get that girl, if it's the last thing I'll do.


Let's just say that the days following that conversation filled Hermione's days with a bunch of howlers, roses, and letters sent by, yours truly.

The day before the Hogsmeade trip, I had nearly lost all hope, I had asked her in every way possible, but she wouldn't budge.
So I just decided to try my luck once more, I grabbed a bunch of roses,all red but one, a hermione rose, and I took out The Marauder's Map to find Hermione.
I found her in the library, where else?

She was sitting in her most favored spot by the window, and reading a book intently. I read the title, Turtles All The Way Down. It was probably a muggle book, but it surely had her attention, as she didn't notice me sit next to her.
I gave her cheek a kiss from behind and she jumped, "Fred!" She exclaimed, "What do you want?" She sighed with exasperation.
I smiled and produced the bouqet from my back and presented it to her. She took it, smiling, "Thank you, but there's one that is unlike the rest. Why is that?" She asked curiously.
I took a deep breath, "That 'Mione is a hermione rose, and it's unlike the others because it represents you. Unique and more beautiful than the rest" I said softly and she looked up at me, a rosy blush dusting her cheeks.
I leaned down and kissed her cheek and her blush intensified, and she surprised me by saying,"Know what? I will go with you to Hogsmeade. You've been so bloody stubborn and I don't think you will stop if I say no" she smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"I have one question though" she said,
"Fire away, love"
"Why me?" She asked "Out of all the girls in this school, why ask me?"
I looked at her tenderly, "Because you are unlike any other girl in this school 'Mione, like that rose in the bouquet. And I fancy you too" I said with a smile.
"You fancy me? I thought you didn't reciprocate my feelings" she said and my eyes widened, she returned the feeling! I couldn't help myself, I cupped her face in my hands and our lips met, I felt a spark ignite between us and I'm pretty sure that she felt it too. She kissed me back passionately her hands went to the hair on my nape, mine went to her waist, pulling her close.
I didn't want to pull away, but the need for oxygen was too great. I caught my breath and leaned my forehead against hers.
"And 'Mione?" I said
She hummed her response,
"I will choose you over anyone, anytime" I said and she grinned at me, "Thank you" she leaned up and pecked my lips once more before taking my hand and dragging me back to the Common Room. As we walked, her hand stayed inside mine and she rested her head on my shoulder.
"Oh my!" She exclaimed suddenly,
"The teacup prediction came true!" She yelped and I laughed, "Indeed it did, but I wouldn't have it any other way"
"Neither would I"
Hmm, maybe divination isn't such a bad subject after all. I thought to myself.


A/n: Whew! I finally posted an update for this fic! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I've been procrastinating. A lot. Thanks for sticking with me and I hope you enjoyed this, because this has got to be my favorite fic prompt. I don't know why, I just like it and I hope you do too! Thanks!

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