A Different Feeling

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It's been 1 month, 3 weeks, 7 hours, 52 minutes, and 29 seconds since the war ended, since so many of witches and wizards died, since Fred Weasley fell into a coma. He fell into a coma after the wall fell on him. And Percy blamed himself. The Healers at St.Mungos assure the entire Weasley family that their boy is alive, and will soon wake. And only 3 people watch him.
The only 3 who can look at him without crying. The only 3 who ditched their responsibilities to watch Fred. And those 3 are George, Ginny, and Hermione.
Yes, Hermione. She and The Weasley Twins were rather close, so she decided that she should watch him too. She would watch him during weekday mornings till afternoons, because George took night watch. Ginny took over during the weekends, but Hermione stayed by his side.

She would often bring a large bag of books, and sometimes read aloud when she felt like it. She hoped Fred would hear her, and know that nobody left him. Well, 1 month, 3 weeks, 7 hours, and 53 minutes now, thought Hermione. Today was a Sunday, and Ginny was supposed to be here. But she was having a date with Harry, so Hermione offered to take over. She was sitting beside Fred and unconsciously holding his hand as she read a book, silently this time.
Hermione was in the middle of the 19th chapter when she felt her hand get squeezed. She nearly jumped out of her seat, but it quickly melted into happiness, as she saw the smiling face of Fred Weasley.
Happy tears streamed down her face as she gave Fred the biggest hug she could muster.
"Woah there Granger, don't wanna crush me back into a coma, now would we?" Fred joked and Hermione smiled, "No Fred, we wouldn't. But, oh! I must call your mother, and a Healer, and the rest of your family of course" she exclaimed. Fred shook his head, "Not yet 'Mione, I just want to take a moment to catch my breath. After all, it's been long since I've seen this world, so I would very much like to take it in before seeing anyone else. And while I'm at it, could you tell me what's new here?" Fred replied and took a deep breath.

A look of shock came across Hermione's face, but it wavered quickly. "Oh sure" she said and began her shorter version of the tale:
"Well, after the wall fell on you, the war continued. Harry died for a bit, but came back to life. We won, and Harry defeated Lord Voldemort at last. Madam Pomfrey was about to give up on you, you know. She said that you didn't make it. But I found a pulse, I looked for one, and thankfully, I found one. We immediately rushed you to St.Mungos and they put you here. George is coming this evening to switch with me. Ginny was supposed to be here today, but she's on a date with Harry. Yes, your sister is dating Harry now. And I took over today, and here we are" she said quickly.

"Wow" was all Fred said, "I missed a lot. Hey, out of curiosity, why did you try to find a pulse? Why didn't you just give up on me?" Fred asked, quietly.
Hermione smiled, "You're my friend Fred, a really good one. And I wouldn't let you die. Actually, I've, uh, come to l—" her words were cut short as the door to Fred's hospital room opened, to reveal George.
He was rambling excitedly about a new product he created when he saw that his twin was awake, he dropped his books and ran towards Fred and gave him the biggest hug. George quietly sobbed into Fred's shoulder and Hermione decided that she should let them have their moment.
She bumped into Mrs.Weasley on the way out and happily informed her of the good news.
Hermione apparated home and sat on her sofa, thinking about how she didn't get to admit something to Fred. She waved it off, it wasn't like he would say the same, she thought.

Fred was overjoyed of course. He was reunited with his family, but something about Hermione's words being cut short bothered him a bit. He had a feeling that whatever she was about to say was serious. He decided to personally request for her to watch him the next day. He spoke of this to George and, though perplexed, agreed.
George sent an owl to Hermione and awaited an answer.
Which they got in the morning.

The door bustled at exactly 8:30 AM. Hermione walked in, 2 books and a bag of breakfast in her arms.
"Bloody hell, Granger. THIS is why we kept you close" muttered George, to which Fred laughed.
He accepted the sandwich with thanks, and George left to open the shop, leaving Fred with Hermione.
"'Mione?" Fred asked
Hermione hummed her response
"What were you about to say yesterday?"
"Oh. That" Hermione shifted uncomfortably in her seat, "It was nothing, don't bother"
Fred took her delicate hand in his, "You can tell me" he coaxed and she reluctantly agreed,
"I just want to say that I've fancied you. But I get it that you don't fancy me back. After all, you like Alicia, right?" Hermione said, not meeting Fred's eyes.

Fred was taken aback, this was what she was gonna say, but how could she think that he didn't retirn the feeling.
And, puh-lease, Alicia? She was out and about with Oliver Wood.
Fred gently tilted Hermione's chin up and blue met brown. "It isn't obvious that I fancy you back?" Fred said softly, and Hermione's cheeks tinted pink, "Really?" She asked and Fred nodded.
To prove his point, he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her gently. Their lips met and molded with each other perfectly. Like his lips were destined to meet hers, and no one else's.
Fred's lips parted and his tongue came out and ran itself across Hermione's bottom lip, asking for access, which she readily granted him.
They kissed, with all they had, all the feelings that had long awaited to be free, they kissed with all emotion and strength they had. They kissed like they were in love.

And they were.


A/n: And another update! Ugh, I know, I know, I haven't updated any of my other fics yet, (smiles sheepishly) but I just had these ideas and well, I had to put them into writing. So here's one and you might see an update of The Witch Switch soon. Where I am, it's 2AM but I had to post this. This is definitely not my best update,(must be the sleep deprivation) So I, being sleep deprived, hope that all you wonderful readers enjoyed this! See ya soon guys!

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