0.5: The Fight

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Don't Forget About Me by Cloves

Duff's P.O.V

"Is she coming out or not?" I ask impatiently, staring at the bar door.

Steven turns on me. "She can take as long as she damn well pleases."

I roll my eyes. "I thought you were supposed to be my best friend."

Steven scoffs. "I am. I just think you need to be put in your place. And I think Henley is the perfect person to do it."

I sigh, crossing my arms. She looks just as beautiful as the day I pretty much drove her away. Why did I have to be such a dick? I could've just said, Henley, I've missed you. But no. Instead I pretty much insulted her. I guess Steven's right. I really have become a dick.

My head shoots up a soon as I hear the door open. Walking out in all her glory is the girl I fell in love with all those years ago. And who I'm still in love with.

Her eyes are full of determination, pain, and anger. I'd only ever seen her look at Madeline like that. Right after Madeline broke Steven's heart, Henley was so angry. And when Madeline came by to apologize she let out that anger. I never thought that anger would be turned onto me.

She stops in front of me, then crosses her arms over her chest. "Well?"

I can't speak. All I'm looking at is how much she's changed. Instead of having no makeup on, she has eyeliner and some red lipstick on. Instead of ripped jeans and an old band t-shirt she has on leather pants and a tight black tank top. Over that she has a large leather jacket on. She definitely looks punk.

"Would you fucking speak already? I'd like to get back to my boyfriend and my friends," Henley snaps, her eyes narrowing.

"I missed you," Is all that comes out of my mouth. Not a long winded speech like I had made up in my head. Nope. Just three simple words.

Only her anger didn't soften like I thought it would.

"You fucking made a scene in there, and then made Steven bring me out here just so you could say that? You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Henley growls.

I wince. "I-."

"No," She interrupts, her glare worsening. "It's my turn to speak." I wince again at the tone of her voice. "You don't get to just fucking waltz back into my life after you broke me-, actually you shattered me. Do you realize how long it took me to put myself back together, huh Duff? Do you realize how many nights I spent fucking crying myself to sleep while you were out banging random chicks? Do you realize how long it took me to actually open myself up to date again after you fucking cheated on me? I didn't trust Sav for the longest time because I thought he was going to cheat on me," She takes a deep breath and steps toward me. "Just." She pokes my chest, hard. "Like." Again. "You." One more time. "My self esteem was nonexistent after you pulled that bullshit on me! I didn't go out drinking with the guys for ages because I thought I wasn't pretty enough. You shattered me. And you couldn't give a shit."

I look behind her for a moment to see Motley, Def, and Tommy's girlfriend standing behind her. She looks over her shoulder and sees them. However, I don't think she cares much. I think she just wants to keep yelling at me.

"I-I didn't know I hurt you that bad." And that's the truth. I thought she'd be sad for a week, then get over it. I never thought I meant as much to her as she means to me.

"Of course you did! Did none of my 'I love you' s mean anything? Did you think I was fucking lying?"

I feel tears prick my eyes. I haven't cried since the night she left. "I'm so sorry. I really am. I never meant to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you."

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