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Henley's P.O.V

"Happy anniversary," Duff says into my ear.

I go to turn to look at him, but he nuzzles his face into my neck. I giggle as his breath tickles my neck. I sit my pencil down. I was working on some new material for the Angels. Damn, I can't believe we've been making music for over twenty years now

"Duffy," I giggle, standing up. He groans as he had to take all of his weight off of me. I peck his lips, smiling. "It's about damn time you got up."

He shrugs. "I guess I just had a long night." He winks at me, his hands that were resting on my back now on my ass.

I roll my eyes. "I guess it's a good thing you still find me attractive."

"Attractive? Just attractive? Baby, you're the most beautiful," He kiss my lips. "Sexy," My jaw. "Woman I have ever seen." He places a last kiss on my neck.

I giggle as he bring his face up to mine. He kisses me hard, making me lean into him. It's already our twentieth anniversary. Damn, how time flies.

"Ew, guys!" Our sixteen year old son, Dominic, yells as he stands at the bottom of the stairs.

Duff pulls away, laughing. "Sorry, son. At least we don't fight all the time."

Dom scoffs. "I think I'd rather have that than you two dry humping all the time."

Duff and I both look at each other. Memories of my childhood flash through my mind. I remember how unhappy my parents were. "I think you're taking us for granted, Dom," I laugh, scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh my God!" Our fifteen year old daughter, Thayer, says as she walks into the living room from the kitchen. "Dad I found fanfiction about you!"

I furrow my eyebrows. "What's fanfiction?"

"It's where girls write stories about their favorite celebrity! I just found a crap ton with dad in it!" Thayer scrunches her nose up at the thought. "It's so disgusting."

I smile at Thayer as she sits down on the couch. I join her. "Well, your father is a handsome man. He was a true ladies man back in the '80s. Once I saw him wink at a fan and she nearly passed out."

Duff laughs, sitting next to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulders, making me lean into him. "But I only ever had eyes for your mother."

Thayer smiles. "It's so romantic that you and dad still got together after being apart for a few years." She sighs. "Although, I can't believe you turned down Rick Savage! I'm not going to lie, he was pretty hot back in you guys' day."

Duff scoffs. I laugh, having to lean more into Duff from how much I'm laughing. "Oh honey. Your father hated Sav." My laughter dies down as I remember the year of 1987. "I actually ended things with him because he cheated on me."

"Isn't that why you broke up with dad the first time?" Dom asks, suddenly interested in the conversation. Duff and I really never spoke about my side of the breakup. I don't know why.

I nod my head. "Yep. But, I could see how much he changed over the years of being apart. I think that Steven knocked some sense into him as well."

"Oh yeah!" Thayer suddenly says excitedly. "Uncle Stevie told me to tell you that him and Aunt Maddie are coming by later."

"Why didn't he just call me?"

Thayer shrugs, looking back down to her phone. "I don't think his head is on right most of the time."

Duff laughs. "Yeah, well that's what happens when you do drugs." Duff all of a sudden bursts into hysterics. "Oh my God, you should've heard Steven Tyler the other day when I was talking to him. He sounded out of his mind!"

I frown. "I thought he was off drugs?"

"He is, but the after effects get to him sometimes. It was fucking hilarious!"

"Duff!" I exclaim, hitting his chest. "Language!"

"Well it was!"

I open my mouth to scold Duff some more, but Thayer interrupts me.

"How long have you guys been together, again?"

"Today's our twentieth anniversary," I respond, smiling up at Duff.

He grins and gives me a peck on the lips.

"It's honestly crazy," Thayer says.

"What is, dear?"

"Nearly all of my friends parents are divorced. How can you two stick it out?"

I smile to myself. It's a very good question. How did Duff and I make it all these years? I take in a deep breath before answering. "Well, we don't give up as soon as things get rough. We talk things through and eventually kiss and make up." I sigh. "I really don't see me ever being without your father. He's my world."

"I feel the same way about your mother," Duff responds, grabbing my hand. He squeezes it tightly. "It's really crazy to think that she's my first and last love. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for her."

I nod, agreeing. "He's so stupid it's a wonder he hadn't gotten himself killed before I came along."

Dom and Thayer laugh, both looking down at their phones.

If I'm honest, I couldn't ask for a better life. I have two amazing kids, the perfect husband, the perfect house in Van Nuys. Nikki and Tommy come over at least once a week. I make sure that Mick gets to his doctor appointments. Vince sometimes goes out for drinks with Duff and I. Steven and Madeline stop by at least once a day and they stay all day Saturday. I think Thayer has a crush on their son, Colson. Anyways, Slash stops by sometimes and so does Izzy. I haven't talked to any of Def Leppard in a long ass time. Joe and Lorelei will call occasionally, but that's about it. I at least wanted Sav and I to be friends. I tried to talk to him after the wedding, but he left before I could even get a word in.

Life is great. I have everything I could ever ask for. I just wish that Stephen and Angel were still alive to live with us. I miss them a lot every single day. There's not a day that goes by that either of them don't go through my mind at least once. However, I try not to live in the past. The present is where I am.

And it all happened because a man named Duff McKagan got into a fight for me.


(A/N: Alright guys! That's the end. So, I was thinking, would you rather have me write an Izzy book next? Or would you guys like a book about Angel and Nikki? Or I could even do a book about Sav! Comment so that I know which to write! I hope you enjoyed this series! I fell in love with Henley and I'm so sad to have to leave her! Thanks for reading!)

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