1.0: Fate

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The Other Girl (with Halsey) by Kelsea Ballerini

(A/N: This has nothing to do with the chapter. I just really like this song lol)

(A/N: oof.....a little foreshadowing with that song)

Henley's P.O.V

It's been a full month since I left Los Angeles for Sheffield. I don't regret it one bit. It's a good thing I left a note for Tommy before I departed. I also gave him the number of the phone that Sav keeps in the apartment. He almost didn't get a phone, but decided to so that he could get a hold of me. He said that he'd miss me too much. Anyways, Tommy has called a total of fifteen times.

In the past three hours.

Steve, Phil, Joe, and Rick were all sitting in the living room while this was happening. They were helping Sav with some 'top secret' song that they wouldn't let me hear. I was constantly interrupting them while I walked through the living room to answer the damn thing. Maybe I should just throw it out.

I let out a loud groan at the sound of the phone ringing. Again.

I push myself off of the bed, causing the book I had on my lap fall onto the ground with a loud thump! I jump at the sudden noise. I scare way too easily.

I make my way through the living room, eliciting many annoyed groans from the five boys sitting in the living room.

"Sorry, sorry," I say rather absentmindedly, waving them off.

I take the phone off of the hook, ready to let out a full on rant to Thomas. "Thomas Lee Bass, you call me one more time I will personally rip your-."

"I don't think you want to finish that sentence," A familiar voice laughs through the phone.

I smile, letting out a sigh of relief. I didn't want to have to yell at Tommy. "Hey, Steve-o. How'd you get this number?"

"I got it from Tommy. He said you left for England a month ago. He's pretty worried."

I laugh. "He worries even when I'm in the next room. Overprotective older brother, I guess. Yeah, I left for England to spend some time with Sav."

"Is it because of Duff?" Steven's voice is suddenly very solemn.

My heart goes cold. I'd almost forgotten the entire reason I came here. To get rid of the guilt. I can't lie to Steven. I trust him with my whole heart. "Yeah."

"Because he kissed you?"

My eyes widen. "How'd you know?"

"He told me. He came back to the apartment all beaten up. When I asked what happened, he explained that he kissed you and that you punched him. He got called a pussy by Slash for that one. Then he explained that he went out to the parking lot, where Nikki and Tommy jumped him," Steven laughs. "I hate to say it, but he deserved it. You're obviously happy. He has no right to ruin it. If it makes you feel any better, he feels terrible about it. He's been a mess trying to figure out where you are."

I sigh. "He wants to talk to me, doesn't he?"

"Yeah," Steven responds, sounding regretful. "I'm sorry. He's been all over the place with guilt and I just had to help him."

"Hand the phone to him."

A moment of silence goes through the line. Then a voice that I know all to well comes through.

"Hey, Gorgeous." His voice is quiet, timid. He does sound guilty.

"Make this quick," I say. "I don't have all day."

"I wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to let my emotions get the best of me. I just miss you so much. You were my whole world, Hennie, and I just went and fucked it all up like I do everything else. I'm so, so sorry. I really didn't mean to act on my emotions," Duff explains.

He sounds sincere, and Duff was never one to lie. Well, he only lied when he was cheating on me. Maybe I'm being naïve, but I believe him.

"It's okay. It just can't ever happen again. If it does you will not see me ever again," I say.

Duff's quiet for a moment. "I understand."

"Good. Now, bye."

Without even waiting for a response, I put the phone back onto its hook. I run both my hands through my hair.

"What can't happen again?"

I jump and turn around to see the confused eyes of my loving boyfriend. "What?" I ask, clutching my chest. My heart is going a mile a minute right now.

"What can't happen again? Who were you talking to?"

I sigh. He deserves to know. "Well, a month ago, before I came here, Duff came by. I don't exactly remember what was said, but we ended up in an argument. We were screaming at each other and out of nowhere he kissed me. I pushed him away and I punched him in the nose. Then, he went down to the parking lot and got jumped by Nikki and Tommy."

All of it came out in one breath. My heart is racing even faster at this moment. I don't know what to do or say. I don't know what he'll say. I don't know if he'll be angry, or if he'll hate me. I wait patiently for his response, but he never says a word.


"I'll kill him," He immediately responds. His blue eyes are dark with anger. "I'll fuckin' kill him."

"No," I say, a small smile on my face. "It's okay. He apologized. It won't happen again. He'll leave me be." I walk over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "It's okay, baby. I promise. He won't do anything." I peck his lips lovingly.

A wave of relief washes through me as his eyes lighten. He's still mad, but not angry. "Only if you're sure."

I nod my head. "I'm positive. Nothing to worry about at all."

A grin breaks out onto his beautiful face, causing my heart to skip a beat. He's so cute. Before he can say anything, however, the phone rings again. I walk over to it and answer the damn thing.


"Henley! Get your ass back to LA! We need to finish this damn album if you want to be able to go on tour with the Crüe!" Damon's voice rings through the phone very loudly.

I laugh to myself at how my manager just now calls me about this a month after I've been gone. "I got more songs written Damon. I'll come home tonight if that makes you feel any better."

"It'll make me feel much better. Thank you. Now, get back to LA because the Angels need you!"

The line goes silent abruptly. A sign that he's hung up. I put the phone back once again. I turn to Sav who has a sad look on his face.

"You're leaving tonight?"

I sigh, feeling guilty. "I have to. If we want the album done in time to go on tour with my best friends. I'm sorry, hun."

He smiles. "It's okay. I understand."

"How'd I get so lucky?" I ask suddenly.

This question almost takes him by surprise.

"It's not luck, my love. It was fate."

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