2.0: Nikki

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Disintegration by The Cure

Henley's P.O.V

Weeks have passed by in a blur after that strange woman showed up. Night by night went by full of hookers for Mötley and Guns, that woman hanging all over an annoyed looking Duff, and Nikki and I spending more and more time with each other. My whole goal for being with him constantly was to help him quit his addiction. The more time I spent with Nikki, the more I realized how much of a good guy he is. He has his moments, though. A few times he's gotten close to hitting me, but stopped before his hand could make contact. He never managed to scare me away. I know who he really is. I know that it's the drugs making him act that way.

Steven tried his best to explain the woman to me. He said that she was a girl that Duff fucked every once in a while. When I quit talking to Duff completely, he made it a regular thing to see this girl and even took her to some parties. Apparently, she became obsessed with Duff and now genuinely believes that they're together. I don't know if Steven is trying to cover for Duff or not. The fact that Duff hasn't forced her to leave yet tells me that he probably has feelings for her.

And one question has been plaguing my mind since Guns joined the tour: Why the hell was Sav and Stephen at that hotel?

I guess I'll never know the answer, but it's nice to know that he's out of my life for good.

"You good?" Nikki asks from beside me.

We're laying on a bed in the hotel room. We have a few days off and I'm doing everything I can to keep him away from everyone else. I'm doing everything I can do to keep him away from the drugs.

I turn on my side so that I can face him. I smile softly at him. "I should be asking you that question. How you feeling?"

He shrugs. "Awful. Not as bad as when we first started, though." He laughs, turning on his side as well. His pretty green eyes meet mine and everything seems to slow down. I don't have a million thoughts in my mind when his attention is on me. It's always been like that, though. "At least I'm not puking every five minutes."

I laugh, burrowing my head further into the pillow. I know he's getting restless, but I just can't risk him ending up in a hotel room with Guns or Tommy and Vince, doing drugs until they can't feel their faces. I've grown to really care for Nikki these past few weeks. Not that I didn't care for him before, but now it's at a more intense level.

"You're so pretty, you know?" Nikki says with his eyes closed. "Like you're beautiful."

I sigh. "Where'd you hide the booze this time, Nik?"

He shakes his head. "I haven't had anything. I'm telling you the truth." He opens his eyes. "You're so beautiful. Both Duff and Savage were idiots for letting you go."

I blush at his words. This is the real Nikki. The sweet Nikki. "You're just trying to butter me up so that we can go catch up with the guys."

Nikki shakes his head. He scoots closer to me so that he's flush against me. He wraps his arm around my waist. I can feel his breath on my cheeks. "No, I'm trying to butter you up so that you'll let me kiss you. You've turned me down every time I tried to after that night." I don't answer. "So, can I please kiss you, Hennie?"

I don't respond again. He takes this as a yes. He starts to lean in, trying to go slow and make this special. I know he just wants to be really loved. Not love that Vanity gives him by being a fucking psychopath. He wants a genuine love with someone that will hold him, show him affection, be there for him at all times.

Before our lips could connect, however, the fucking phone rings.

Nikki groans, falling onto his back.

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