0.3: Meeting Again

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Song for the chapter: The Middle by Jimmy Eat The World

Henley's P.O.V

I peek my head into the shower with a grin on my face. Sav was already facing me, and he gave me a cheesy grin.

"I'm gonna run down to that bar and grab some booze," I say. "I'll be back soon."

"Alright, love," Sav laughs, turning around.

I leave the bathroom, feeling like I'm on cloud 9. I love it when he's home. It makes this apartment feel like an actual home, and not just a place I put my things. I walk out of the apartment, a smile still on my face. I don't think anything could ruin this day.

I walk down the street with a skip in my step. I'm usually pretty happy, but Sav being home just makes life better. That and the fact that by the end of the week "Killing Myself" should be finished. I just know this album will make us more known than we already are. We won't just be known for "having Mötley Crüe's slut in it". We're going to show them all what we can do.

I turn into the Whiskey, taking in the familiar smell of alcohol. In a lot of ways, the Whiskey is like Sasha's, the bar back in Seattle. It gives off the same vibe, has the same smells, has some similar looking customers. But, it's still not the same. It doesn't have Sasha bustling around, trying her best to keep up with everyone's orders. It doesn't have Sebastian and Colin behind the bar. The tables are set up different. Sasha is about the only thing I miss about Seattle. But I'll never go back. I can't risk running into. . .him. . .and Steven.

I stop at the bar, a grin on my face. "Hello."

The bartender turns. His face is set in a stone cold expression. "What can I do for ya?"

"Can I have two bottles of Jack?" I ask, trying to look as sweet as possible.

"You drinkin' that all by yourself?"

"'Course not," I answer, laughing. "I'm going to take them to my friends house."

The bartender furrows his eyebrows. "Why'd you come to a bar instead of going to a liquor store?"

I open my mouth to answer, but then I hesitate. Why did I come to a bar instead of the store? Something just drew me here, I guess. I open my mouth to just demand for the Jack, but someone taps on my shoulder. God. Not another person asking if I really am shagging Vince and Nikki at the same time.

I sigh, saying, "For the millionth time. I have never had sexual intercourse, nor have I done anything remotely sexual with Mötley Crüe."

"That's nice to know," A familiar voice says. My heart nearly stops. "But I just wanna see how you're doing."

I whip around, my eyes lighting up. "STEVEN!" I scream, jumping into his arms. Stevie wraps his arms around my waist. I can hear his familiar chuckle in my ear. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, pulling away from the puppy-like blonde.

"Duff and I came here for a chance to be in a band," He explains, noticing my wince at the mention of his name. "Well, that's why he came here. I came here to find you. It only took four years," He chuckles.

I feel tears spring to my eyes. "I'm still so happy you're here! I've missed you so much! Do you still have Bella?"

"Of course! My bandmates don't appreciate her, but I love her," Stevie says. Just then four guys walk up behind Steven.

The first one is a fiery redhead that looks at me with a rather judgmental look. The next is a guy with greasy but clean looking black hair and sunglasses covering his eyes. Standing beside that guy is a guy with curly black hair that covers his eyes. The last is one that I know all too well. Duff.

I feel my breath get caught in throat. I cannot cry. "Who're your friends, Stevie?"

Steven looks behind him, surprised to see those guys standing behind him. "Oh! Well, the redhead is Axl, the one behind him is Izzy, and the curly haired guy is Slash. You already know Duff. . ." He trails off, sending a disappointed look at Duff. "Guys, this is Henley."

"Oh," Axl's eyes widen with recognition. "You're the Henley." He takes my hand in his. He kisses the back of my hand gently, which cause me to rip my hand away from his. "I'd love to get to know you better, if you know what I mean." His hungry eyes devour my body, making me cringe.

I shake my head, turning when I hear two bottles being placed on the bar. "I-I have a boyfriend." I place the money on the bar, smiling at the bartender. "Speaking of which, I have to get back to." I take the bottles in my hands. "Tommy asked us to meet his new girlfriend, so we gotta go soon."

"Who's your boyfriend?" Duff speaks up. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he looked heartbroken. Bastard.

I glare at him. "Rick Savage. The bassist from Def Leppard."

I turn to leave when Duff speaks up again. I turn to find him almost chest to chest with me. I force myself to look up into his hazel eyes. "Isn't he, like, seven years older than you?"

"And your point is?" I growl. "Look, you jackass, I'm finally happy. I finally got over how badly you hurt me. But you don't fucking care do you? You never fucking did. Why else would you cheat on me with some cheap whore for months!? You're a real bastard you know that?"

I turn on my heel, ignoring Steven's calls after me. I need to get the hell out of here. I need to get away from him. I just want to punch his face in!

A gasp leaves my lips as someone grabs my wrist, making me turn around. I'm relieved to see that it's Stevie.

"Can I at least have your number? I don't want to lose you again," Stevie says sadly.

I breathe in deeply. "Alright. You got a pen?"

He pulls it out of his back pocket, a wide grin on his face. I'm not even going to question why he has a pen in his back pocket. I write the numbers down on his arm.

I hug him again, reveling in his familiarity. "I'm so happy to see you again, Stevie."

I leave him with that as I run down the street to get back to Sav.

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