1.2: Madeline's Return

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Old Me by 5 Seconds Of Summer

Henley's P.O.V

Never thought there'd be a day when I'd see Madeline Love again. But damn, I sure as hell was wrong.

I was sitting at the bar at the Whiskey while I was waiting for Nikki and Tommy to show up. I was rather excited because Nikki said he had something for me. I was really hoping the gift was him saying that he was off of smack, but I didn't hold on to that thought for long. Anyways, I just so happened to look at the door when Madeline walked in, hand-in-hand, with none other than Axl Rose with Slash, Izzy, Duff, and Steven trailing in behind them.

And now here I sit, trying my best not to be noticed the band and, what I'm guessing, is their brand new groupie. I already know that Madeline probably had sex with all of them, minus Duff. I'm not jealous or anything, that's just how I remember her. I loved her to death but she loved to go through guys like socks. I haven't seen her since my last day in Seattle when she was at Sasha's with Steven. I wonder if Steven is still hung up on her.

I'm knocked out of my thoughts by a loud, high-pitched voice.

"Oh my god! Henley!"

I turn around to see Madeline running towards me. She nearly knocks me off the stool I'm sitting on by the amount of force she applied when she wrapped her arms around me. She sways us a little bit from side to side. I awkwardly pat her back, not really happy to see someone else from my past. I did a lot of work to bury every memory of Seattle. They just seem to keep coming back no matter how hard I try to push them away.

She finally lets go of me and allows me to breathe once again. Damn, she has a stronger grip than I remember. She grins widely. Her hair is now dyed blonde, but the roots are still a dark brown. She has on a scarlet dress that barely covers her ass. That makes me feel better about my own outfit. I'm wearing a black tank top with a black leather jacket. Black leather pants cling to my legs and I have on knee high black boots. I call it my rocker outfit.

"You look amazing!" She squeals.

I flinch at the pitch of her voice. If she gets anymore excited only dogs will be able to hear her. "You do too," I nod, taking a glance at Duff. His eyes are glued to me. Ugh, why can't the Terror Twins get here already?

"What have you been up to?" Madeline asks, deciding to sit down on the open stool beside me.

I turn to face her, just wishing they'd all leave me alone. "Mostly just writing with my band."

"Oh my God, you're in a band!"

I nod, laughing at her excitement. She's more bubbly than when we were in high school. "Yeah. We're called the Fallen Angels."

She smiles kindly, and just for a moment she turns into the Madeline I remember. "That fits you."

I shrug. "I like to think so. I came up with it when we were still in Seattle. When the band formed I just knew that should be our name."

"Are you happy here?" Her voice is back to normal, which makes me relieved. So the bubbliness was just an act. I should have guessed.

I nod my head. "I really am. I have a boyfriend who loves me more than anything. I'm going to go on tour with my best friends in June. I've never been happier."

"Never?" She says, turning her head to look at the table where Guns' is sitting at. Duff finally quit staring at me and turned his attention to the bottle of vodka sitting in front of him. I can tell that Madeline is staring at Steven. "I think you were pretty happy before the whole break-up went down. I messed up majorly when I broke up with Steven. He won't even talk to me. I'm only sleeping with Axl as an attempt to get some sort of reaction out of him."

I laugh. "I don't think sleeping with Axl is going to make him want to talk to you. I know Steven, and I think he's rather you tell him how you feel." Then a thought hit me. "What are you doing in LA, anyways? How'd you get messed up with them?"

"I just moved here a few weeks ago. I was working as a stripper in a club called the Seventh Veil. One day Axl walked in and took a liking to me. I've been with the band ever since."

I chuckle. "That's the club that the Crue always go to. I've been there a few times when they forced me too." I frown. "Are you seriously working as a stripper?"

Madeline shrugs, smiling again. Only this time there's a sadness behind the smile. "Yeah. It's the only way to pay the bills out here. Even if it's a real shitty apartment."

I sigh, thinking what I'm about to offer through very carefully. "Well, how about you come live with me for a little while. I can ask my friend Jasper if you can get a job working with him on mixing albums."

Madeline's eyes widen. "You don't=."

"I know I don't have to." I interrupt her. "But, you were my best friend and I really don't like the idea of you working in a strip club while men try to grope you when you're wearing those skimpy outfits."

Madeline reaches forward and envelopes me in a hug one again. This time it isn't a crushing one. It's a sweet one. I return it this time. This is the Madeline I know. She must have been putting on that ditzy blonde act for so long she probably forgot that's not her true self.

"Thank you so much," She breathes out, sounding like she's about to burst into tears.

I rub her back comfortingly. "Anything for my best friend."

I have to admit, it's nice to have a friend that's a girl since Angel is no longer around. It's nice to have Madeline back.


We let go of each other and look over to see Nikki and Tommy.

I smile at them. "Hey guys."

"C'mon, Henley. We gotta show you your surprise," Nikki says, grabbing my wrist.

I yank my wrist away from the bassist. "Give me a second." I take the napkin the bartender gave me with my vodka. I flag down the bartender to get a pen. Once I have it in my possession, I write my address down. I hand the napkin to Madeline. "When you're ready, you can come to my place." I smile at her once more before getting up to follow the Twins out of the Whiskey.

I sigh. "Where the hell are you idiots taking me?"

"Not too much farther!" Tommy exclaims, looping his arm through mine like a teenage girl.

I sigh again and continue to follow them blindly. I hope they're not going to murder me. Eventually we stop. I look around, but see nothing that could be a 'surprise'. I look between Nikki and Tommy with a confused expression.

"Do you like it?" Nikki grins.

I look around again and only see a street with cars parallel parked. "Oh yeah. I love dirty LA streets. Thanks guys."

Tommy takes some keys out of his pocket and hands them to me. He points straight ahead to a huge hippy van. My face immediately breaks out into a smile. "You guys didn't!"

"Oh, we did. We found this one that you nearly described down to a T," Nikki grins. "Think of it as an early birthday gift."

I throw my arms around Nikki's neck. "Thank you so much!" I let go of Nikki and do the same to Tommy. They both grin as they watch me look over the van excitedly.

"I can't believe you love these piece of shit cars," Nikki laughs.

"Oh, I can," Tommy grins.

I smile at them even wider. "You guys are literally the best. I love you guys!"

"We love you too," Nikki responds.

"Speak for yourself," Tommy snickers.

I roll my eyes at Tommy. "You're a real dick."

"But one that you love!" He exclaims, throwing an arm around my shoulders.

I get out of his grasp. "Keep telling yourself that, Bass."

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