Patient: "Doctor, the community nurse is waiting for you to call her now."
Dr: "What for?"
Patient: "to confirm that it is ok to wrap my leg ulcer with this compressive stuff."
Dr: "OK"
The patient handed a phone number to the dr.
Dr: "OK to wrap the leg....."
The recipient interrupted, "We always wrap the leg, you want it chopped?"
Dr: "What? Who am I speaking to?"
The recipient: "The butcher in town."
Dr: "Oops sorry wrong number."
病人的话 My Little Diary - The patients' words
Random这些散文或"微信"记载了,语重心长的对话。为了保留病人的隐私,病人的名字和年龄已被更改,如有雷同,纯属巧合。 This is a collection of meaningful and inspirational conversations with my patients whose identities have been modified to assure their confidentiality.