(1) All Abroad!

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"Remember what I have told you Alice," my father told me. I was waiting for the train with my beloved parents. "I remember father." I looked around at the train station; there was people going in and out of a gift shop, a man reading a newspaper, and other people standing around waiting for the train. Just like me. "I'm going to miss you so much Alice," my mother whispered, holding my hand. I know that it was going to be hard for my parents and I to say goodbye. I was their only child. I did have siblings when I was younger but sickness or something else killed them. I don't remember my siblings well. But I do remember playing paper dolls with a girl who was most likely my sister. I check my bag again for the 5th time to make sure I have everything I need: money, clothes, books, a map of Manhattan, school items, and toiletry items. I look back up at my parents. I could tell that my mother was trying not to cry, my father looked at me with a proud look on his face. I heard the train coming, I hug my parents one last time, "I will send a letter as soon as possible Alice." My mother said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I see the train stop and a man comes out, opening the door. He looked about in his fifties. "THE NINE O'CLOCK TRAIN TO NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK IS NOW ABOARD." He yells. I join the crowd of people by the train. I step on the wooden stairs, and make my way inside.

I follow the line of people finding seats: the inside of the train looked new and shiny. After nervously following the line, I find a seat at the back of the train. I place my bag down right by me, keeping a close eye on it. Being on the train was very scary, I have never been on a train in my life and it was more scary because I was all alone. "ALL ABOARD!" The man yelled. The train started to move. I tightly grabbed onto my seat. I looked and heard people laughing, a inspector checking tickets, and a person reading. You may be wondering why I was on this death train. Well my parents wanted to send me away to get a better education because the schools in Ohio was, well lets just say very bad, so my parents found an all girl school in New York that I could stay in, thanks to my high grades and me being so smart. I wasn't all that excited about going to New York, that's where all the rats and people seem to live. Plus I wasn't much of a city girl. My face was starting to get very warm. so I start to slowly walk to the bathroom on the train, trying not to fall down. After what feels like a whole war, I make it to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror; I was wearing a green floral dress, with a brown fur coat. Which covered most of my body because it was way too big, and that doesn't work with my short and small self. My curly black hair was a mess,  my cheeks were highlighting my pale skin with a rosy pink from being on this stupid death train, and my big brown eyes looked scared. Most people said that I looked like a younger version of my mother, which I could see that. But I like to think that I got my mother's personality more than her looks. I turn the sink on and splash water on my face. That luke warm water really helped cool me down. I try my best to fix my hair up. I take a deep breath and open the door, making my way back again to my seat.

I get on two more trains, getting less scared each train I went on. I ate some delicious dinner and supper, read all three of the books I have in my bag, twice. I was starting to get sleepy so I close my eyes. But not even a second later, shouting opened my eyes really quick. "EVERYONE UP, WE ARE NOW IN NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK." I grab my bag and follow the line of people getting off the train. I get out of the train and start to make my way out of the train station into the streets of New York City.

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