(23) Winter Panic

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Selling in the very cold weather has its pros and cons; one of the pros being that my teeth chatter, so when I go up to people and stutter the chattering can add a nice bonus. The cons is that I have to stand in the cold. I would try and do some kind of trick. But I would not like to slip or fall on the Ice. I decide to rest for a few minute so my legs could get a break. I go and sit down on the nearest bench, I look around the area to see if there's maybe someone I could sell to. So far I haven't sold many papers, with it being so cold it wasn't as easy to find people casually roaming the streets. Plus the area I sell in isn't always the most busy place ever. Romeo and I sell near where a lot of schools are, (and no, the ashes of Brearley is not in this area.) The only time it gets really busy is after school, where some kids most likely buy a paper to bring home to their parents. To think I was one of those kids only a few months ago.

 I look up at the sky and see something strange, there was a large dark cloud starting to cover the sky. After staring at it for a few moments I realize what it was, a blizzard. I remember what some blizzards could be like in Ohio, and this one looked like it was not a nice one. I stand up and quickly look around the area. I was nowhere near the lodging house, and I needed to find shelter quick, or else I could be stuck in the middle of the blizzard. I go up to some buildings and try to open the doors. But they're all locked. I could feel the wind coming and my panic growing.

I go in a alleyway, maybe I could get shelter in a dumpster. But something catches my eye. There was a small cellar door. I go over to it and grab the handle. I could feel snow already caking my clothes. Somehow the door opened with my little strength, and thanks to being so small I was able to get inside quick.

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