(2) Street Smarts

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I make my way along the busy streets of the city: people were everywhere going to get supper, someone was playing the flute, and a buggy passed by me as I kept a steady pace. I open up my bag and grab the map of Manhattan.

I look at the map, narrowing my eyes to find the name. My eyes land on a little part of the city, with the name above it reading, Brearley School. I look at where I was and look back at the map. It looks like it's going to be a long walk. I started walking to the school area, trying not to bump into people. "GET OUT OF DA WAY LITTLE GURL." A man pushes me out of his way, holding two bags. Police come running after him, yelling and blowing their whistles. I put my map with a shaky hand into my coat pocket, and start my long walk. New York really was different than Ohio.

"FIRE KILLS FAMILY!" someone yelled, my eyes land on the person, it looked like one of those newsboys. Father said that newsboys are just dirty street rats trying to scam you, and that I should stay clear of them. I keep walking  to the school. I was near some shops. I saw people cleaning windows, sweeping outside of the door, or smoking fat cigars. Then I hear a trashcan make some noise. I look where the noise is coming from, a dark alley way. I slowly walk toward it, my curious nature getting the best of me.

I carefully open the trashcan and look inside, my view was filled with dirty golden fur. A dog's head pokes up, it looks like it was looking for food in the trash. The dog starts to growl. I back away to let the dog be alone. But the dog jumps out of the trash, knocking it over, and starts to run at me! I start to run but the dog gets to me fast with it's long legs. The dog pulls on my coat, I fall down as the dog starts to rip my coat. I try with my power to push the dog off of me, covering my face so it won't go for my face.

My coat was starting to just be little pieces at this point. I feared that this dog was going to kill me. Someone suddenly grabs the dog and pulls it off me. I look up and see it's a newsboy. The newsboy starts to kick and hit the dog with his cap, backing the dog against a wall away from me. I sit there for a second, not sure what to do. I watch the fight. "RUN AWAY!" The newsboy shouts. I start to run as fast as I could, not caring where i'm going as long as i'm away from that dog. I'm out in the streets again, leaning against a wall to catch my breath. After I could breath again, I reach for my map. But realize the dog ripped up the pocket the map was in.

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