(4) Welcome to Brearley

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Looking around at where I was. I could see I was in a nice small room, paintings were hanged up on the wall, and there was a desk with someone sitting at it. "Hello there," an woman who look's like she is in her late thirty's greets me: She has a very beautiful face, her blonde hair is up in a pompadour, and has small baby blue eyes. "What is your name dear?" The woman asks, holding some papers. "A-Alice Clark ma'am." She checks something off of the papers. "Well Alice, i'm Mrs. Pearl, it's very nice to meet you. Please come with me so we can get rid of that.. whatever it is and get you a uniform." I follow her into a hall, more paintings greet me. She reaches a door and opens it. 

The light of the setting sun greets my eyes; I could see a sewing machine in a corner, a basket filled with white fabric, and shelves with lots of boxes. Mrs. Pearl steps on a latter and grabs one of the boxes and takes something out of it, a white cotton dress. "Alice, can you please take off that brown thing hanging on you so I can see if this dress will work?" I take what's left of the coat off my body. She holds the dress right next to me, looking different ways, mumbling to herself. She hands me the dress. "This is your Brearley uniform, please let me know if it needs adjustments." I nod my head, and look at the dress in my hands. It looks simple yet pretty. "Alice, let me show you to the dorms so you can wash up." 

We walk back into the hall, now that I looked at the paintings again they looked kind of scary. We walk up some shiny wooden stairs. We make it to the top, Mrs. Pearl knocks on a door. We hear a "come in!" by some girls. Mrs. Pearl opens the door. "Everyone, please say hello to your new classmate Alice." I hear a chorus of hellos. "Please be kind to Alice girls." Mrs. Pearl closes the door and i'm left in this attic full of girls. 

A little girl runs up to me, her black hair a mess. "Hi Alice i'm Rose, I really like your-" 

"Rose, don't bother the new girl." A girl said, she was reading a book. "You can't tell me what to do Ivy!" Ivy mumbles something and goes back to her book. A girl who looks like my age walks up to the little girl and I; her skin is kind of tan, she has lime green eyes, and she's very tall. "Hey Alice, Sorry about my sister, she really likes whe-" Rose jumps on the older girl and tugs at her hair. "LET ME TALK TO HER WILLIE!" Rose screams, some girls in the dorm look up, then go back to what they are doing.  I don't know if I should laugh or cry or hide. I just watch Willie try to get Rose off of her. I'm kind of impressed that Rose could get on Willie's back, considering she's so tall. Willie doesn't seem to mind her sister tugging at her hair, i'm guessing this happens a lot. "Alice, i'm Willie, this is my crazy sister Rose. I hope she didn't scare you." I smile a little, "it's n-nice to meet you." Willie seems very nice. Rose gets off of Willie's back, "Alice don't talk to my sister she's a-" Willie grabs Rose and holds her upside down in the air. "HEY! YOU CAN'T STOP ME FROM TELLING ALICE BY BRINGING ME UPSIDE DOWN, WILLIE IS A-" Willie drops Rose on her back, "THAT'S NOT NICE WILLIE!" Willie ignores her sister and waves me closer.  "Let me show you your bed Alice." 

 We walk toward the back of the left wall in the dorms, as I walk I see girls everywhere in the dorm studying or playing or talking with someone. Willie stops at a oak colored bunk bed. "Here's your bed Alice, you will be sharing this bunk bed with me," she pats the bottom bed. "You're sleeping on the bottom, you can also put your bag on the nightstand if you want." I put my bag away and get a full look at the dorm; it's very nice with lots of spare. I can guess that during the day lots of light comes though the room from all the windows. 

Someone knocks at the door and some girls say, "come in!" Mrs. Pearl opens the door. "Girls it's about 9pm, please get ready for bed." I grab my night robe and start changing. "Hey Alice!" Rose asks, "why is your face so dirty?" I button up the back of my robe and reply. "I-It's been a long first d-day for me in the city." I leave Rose and follow Willie to a little bathroom; it's a very basic bathroom, with white tile, and a gray trim on the walls. I wash my face with some soap, and brush my teeth.

We go back to the dorm and I get in bed, Willie's head pokes out from the top bunk. She whispers, "good night Alice. If you don't mind can you blow out the candle?" I see a small candle growing with fire, I blow it out. "Thank you," Willie's head disappears. I tuck myself more into the soft blanket. Tomorrow was going to be my first day of school. My new chance for school. I wouldn't have to deal with the Ohio school any longer, or it's bullies. I listen to wind softly blowing and feel sleep take my body over.

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