(3) Helping Hand

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That stupid dog, now I was lost somewhere in New York, with a ripped up coat and no idea where to go. I could ask someone for help but my shyness makes it impossible to do that. I slowly start to walk the streets. Maybe I should go back and see if  I can find the map. The dog could still be there. But I really need the map if i'm going to get to Brearley, I sigh. I was just going to have to risk the dog again.

I start to retrace my steps, looking at streets signs to see if I recognize them. But of course I don't, I have only been here for 10 minutes. I see in a big glass window my reflection. Oh great, I was covered with dirt, and my coat looked like a dead bear on me. How can I go to Brearley looking like this. This has been a terrible first day in Manhattan. I keep walking, looking at the trees around me, the leaves on most of the trees were starting to change with pretty colors of red, orange, and yellow. I see a piece of my coat on the ground, I was close by. I keep walking and see the alleyway where that dog attacked me.

"AND STAY OUT!" Golden fur speeds pass me. I watch it run, looks like the same dog. I'm thankful it didn't attack me again. The newsboy comes out of the alleyway and looks at me; the newsboy had dark brown skin, dark brown eyes, was very tall, and he is wearing spectacles. "Are you's alright miss?" The newsboy asks, I nod. "Some dogs just seem born ta hate things," he's speaking in a New York accent. I guess that's something I will have to get used to. I look around at the alley and see paper sheds on the floor. Great, my map is now trash. "Do you's need help miss?" The newsboy was right by my side, for someone as tall as him I thought I would hear him move. I try my best to keep eye contact with him. "Yes I n-need to get to Brearley S-School" I stutter, he smiles. "I can get you's there if you want miss," he holds out his arm for me to grab it. I really don't have another choice in finding Brearley. I grab his arm and start to walk with him.

It feels weird to have a boy walk me. But it makes me feel a little more safer. This newsboy doesn't look like he would scam me, he's been very nice so far. "So are you's new to Manhattan?" The newsboy asks, I nod my head, avoiding to look into his eyes. "I guessed so. Most people know to stay clear of the animals. They's all want to kill us for food." He laughs a little, I keep my eyes to the ground. "I'm Specs by the way," that's a odd name. But I guess I know why he was named that. "I'm Alice," We keep walking down the street, it was really hard to keep up with Specs, since he was so tall and I was so short. I start to see a big brick building, there were lots of windows, and a american flag was proudly flying in the air. "Here we's are Miss Alice," Specs said. I let go of his arm. "T-thank you for w-walking me." Specs tips his cap and walks away, I look at the front door of Brearley; Brearley School was right on top of a dark wooden door. I push open the door and walk in.

Alice the NewsieWhere stories live. Discover now