Titans Forever Pt. 4

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You lost all the air in your lungs as you crashed through the tower. Cassie was now flying at you at supersonic speeds and delivered another hit before you could react. You flew through the concrete structure and finally ended up back outside. The tower is what now separated you and Lilith who was now engaged in battle against Klarion. You finally had a chance to recover and gather yourself. You watched as Cassie hovered over you. Her eyes were now redder than earlier.

Y/N: Cas-sie.

You were in unbearable pain but had to push through. Cassie went in for another hit but was instead stopped by a strong strike of electricity. Vigil was trying to hold her off while Bart raced around and grabbed you. After taking you a few yards away he talked to you.

Impulse: Dude! This is totally wack!

Y/N: Where's the others?

Impulse: Raven and Beast Boy went to go help Starfire fight that weird guy. Where's Lilith?

Y/N: Weird guy. What happened here?

Impulse just shrugged.

Impulse: One moment we're playing games and the next, BOOM! No idea what happened but when we saw Starfire fight Cassie, well we knew it wasn't good.

You turned back to Static and Cassie who were now fighting. Static was dodging her on his disc while she tried to hit him in a blind rage.

Y/N: She's under some kind of spell. We have to find out how to break it.

Impulse: I'll spread the message.

With that he was gone. You stood back up and checked the damage. It wasn't too bad but it could be better.

Y/N: Looks like I'll have to just hang on. Hope what the others taught me will help.

You flew back into battle and joined Static in trying to take down your friend. You threw a uppercut but she had dodged and instead grabbed your arm. She then swung you into Static who quickly recovered and released yet another blast of electricity. You jumped back in and slammed your fists into her side knocking her back enough for another strike which sent her falling down. You landed and prepared for grounded combat. She threw a jab but you leaned to the right. Then the left. Right. Left. Right. Right. Uppercut.

She recovered and managed to grab your shoulder then launched you across the lawn. You caught yourself and rushed back just in time to see Cassie send Static though the second floor window. You took used the distraction and delivered a round house kick to her side while she had her back turned. She went off to the side just as Impusle returned.

Impulse: Batboy!

Y/N: BatMAN!

Impulse: Whatever! I know what the curse is. Actually Raven is the one who knows and she just told me so now I'm relayingthemessagetoyousoweallcanbeatherandstopKlarionso....


Impulse: Sorry. It's her emotions. They're all out of whack. We just have to stabilize them.

Y/N: How? What's got her worked up like this.

Static poked his head out through the broken window above you.


You and Bart looked at him confused. He sighed and jumped down.

Vigil: She likes you. You listen to her and understand her. Hell, you're the only one who can train with her. You became her solitude in a place she felt she didn't belong.

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