Lingering Past

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You stood up beside Helena as the men all surrounded you. They were all pointing guns at you but you had already theorized that they didn't have actual bullets in them. Why would they shoot children?

Soldier: Turn yourselves over or you will be taken in by force.

Yeah. Like that was going to happen. You threw out two batarangs which stabbed into two different rifles. They jammed the guns as Helena pulled out her staff and began to fight the three men closet to her. You leaped into action and began to fight two more men bare fist. There was sounds of more soldiers approaching as you knocked out one of the men.

Y/N: Huntress! We're gone!

Helena nodded and the two of you rushed over to the ledge. You both jumped and landed on the next building. You both grappled away as the men all made it to the top.
You threw down you mask in anger as you stripped your gear off. Helena slammed her crossbow onto the counter before you kicked a chair over.

Y/N: They have the army coming after us now?! The fuck are these guys?!

Helena: The government.

You groaned in frustration before sitting on the couch. You only had on the lower half of your costume on as you ran your hands through your hair. Looks like they were being serious after all. Helena sat next to you and you both sighed beforr sitting back.

Y/N: This fucking blows.

Helena: Tell me about it.

Silence filled the room before you rolled your head to look at Helena.

Y/N: Hey, about earlier...

Helena: I meant it. I'm glad that you're happy.

She looked over at you and suddenly saw your scar covered body. Her eyes lingered long enough for you to get kind of embarrassed.

Y/N: Right.

The doors suddenly opened and Stephanie rushed in with Damien close behind.

Damien: We heard what happened. You two ok?

You nodded.

Y/N: It looks like they finally sent the military to Gotham.

Stephanie: We saw a few troops during our patrol to. Tim just called in that him and Cassandra had to hide from them to.

So they were everywhere. You bit down on your thumb as you thought. How were you supposed to handle this? It wasn't like you've taken on an army before. Hell, no one on your side had. Maybe you could take down their bases? Where were they? Would that even do anything? What if they caught Tim or Cassandra or Damien? They would know who they are and that could be traced back to Bruce. Everyone would be caught then.

Helena: You alright?

You snapped out of your thoughts and noticed that you drew blood. You quickly sucked it up before turning back to the others.

Y/N: Everyone has to be careful from now on. All it takes is one of us to be caught.

Everyone nodded. Stephanie glanced over to Helena and saw that she was watching you intensely. She was just as worried as she was. Her mind drifted back to when the two of you were dating. You both seemed so happy with each other. If the time wipe didn't happen then.... She didn't want to think about it.

You looked at her and noticed she looked kind of worried. You decided to do something to help calm her down.

Y/N: Can we talk? In private?

Stephanie nodded and Damien rolled his eyes before dissappearing to his room to take a shower. Helena looked at the two of you and decided to stay in the living room while you and Stephanie walked to your room.

Once you both entered, you closed the door and watched as she sat on the bed.

Stephanie: What's up?

Y/N: I talked to Helena. About what happened before the timeline was wiped. I-

You suddenly got a terrible headache that sent you to you knees. Stephanie shot up and rushed over to you.

Stephanie: Y/N?!

Y/N: I'm fine. God. What was that?

You slowly stood up and grabbed your head.

Stephanie: Are you sure you're ok?

Y/N: Yeah I...

Y/N: We really are a bunch of, weird ones.

Helena: Misfits till the end.

Y/N: No true place on the world.

Helena: Excpet for with each other.

What the hell?

Stephanie: Y/N?

Y/N: I, I need to sleep.

Stephanie: Are you...

Y/N: I'm fine. I just, I just need rest.

Stephanie looked at you worried for a moment. She then looked at the bed.

Stephanie: Do you, want me to stay?

You looked up at her and smiled.

Y/N: Yeah. I'd like that.

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