Chapter 9

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At the headquarters, the team and I were called to John's office.

On our arrival, I was surprised to see Lily waiting for us with a smile on her face.

She never smiled

"Good work everyone, you just took down one of the the most wanted men in the country" John said with a beam on his face

"Thanks dad" Veronica replied

"Also I would like to thank the Elites for their special assistance" John added

"You're most certainly welcome John. I told you they wouldn't disappoint" Lily replied

"I have news for you, the supreme leaders were very impressed by your performance, and they would like the Elites to take on a few more missions with the kingfishers" said Lily

No bloody way

No no no no

I had to speak up.

"Madam Lily, is it really necessary" Jason said taking the words right out of my mouth

"This is the only way the supreme leaders will give you your gold rank. If you refuse, you'll be a silver ranking agent for a long time"

Welp I guess we have no say in the matter

I turned back to look at the reactions of the Kingfishers

Veronica was definitely mad
Ruby was...well Ruby
The rest of the Kingfishers didn't seem to mind.

Well dang


I woke up with a start

Something doesn't feel right

Ever since the moment we caught Arkash, I've had this uneasy feeling.

It was too easy


I picked up my phone to call Jason. He didn't pick up his phone.

He's probably asleep. I knew better than to call him at this ungodly hour.

I made my way out of the guest quarters and walked to the holding facility. I needed to see Arkash.

Pretty Short
Yeah I Know

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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