Chapter 2 "Thrown to the Wolf"

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I was still caught off guard with how Gwen was thrown at me with her friends. I was beginning to think that maybe Amber was up to something. This was beginning to look less like a chance encounter and more like something scripted. It was her suggestion that I took Alton Baker Park instead of my usual Mt. Pisgah routine. She was also the one to tell me that she had a friend that would get a long great with me.

I knew Gwen had probably figured it out after Amber almost spelled it out for her. She was trembling in my arms, and she looked up at me nervous but with yearning. "Are you busy tonight?" She asked sheepishly. She reached up and began to twirl her hair with her finger subconsciously.

I gulped feeling his loins beginning to ache and tingle. It was hard for me to think and repress the flood of primal instincts. "I'm free tonight if you want to spent some alone time together?" I told her. I felt my pants growing tight and crush everything. I gritted my teeth and winced. She nodded quickly before she gulped as we stared into each other's eyes intensely, and I let out a heavy sigh walking with her in front of me. I forgot why I even went to the store for. All I could think about was to mate her right then and there.

As I drove her to my place, she looked up at me carefully seeing how uncomfortable I was, and after I whimpered, she touched my arm smiling. "Are you going to be okay? I don't mind if you give it room to grow"

I was embarrassed about the whole thing, but she did say she didn't mind. "Um...I would but...I don't want other people to see it"

It was her turn to blush. "Oh...right...I'm sorry I got you worked up" she said before she looked away briefly. " have really keen senses...are you part wolf or something?"

I froze up trying to find a way to put it without actually saying it. "Well...I do behave like one..." I said before she got mad at me.

"Stop dancing around the subject! Are you some kind of Human-wolf hybrid supersoldier!?" She raised her voice.

I stared at her in confusion not sure whether or not I could take her seriously. "What!? Psh, no!" I muttered passively. I looked back at the road and took a deep breath and exhaled. "You aren't scared are you?"

She shook her head at me quickly and put her hands into her lap. "No...I'm just curious about your genes as you call it. I mean face it big guy, you eat a ton, you're super fit, you're super athletic, you have super human senses, you make dog noises, and to top it all off your eyes are glowing" she told me, which this caused me to look in the mirror, and she laughed.

"You aren't afraid of having a girlfriend would you?" She asked while glancing over at me and smiled warmly brushing her hair before she touched my arm rubbing it as if coaxing me to open up and let her in my life.

I shook my head and ran my hand through my hair stopping midway to support it and scratch it. " sure you can handle having a wolf for a boyfriend?" I asked.

She grinned evilly. "I think I can manage..." she said while she reached over and began scratching at my chest. Freaking please help me! She was making it extremely difficult to focus. All I wanted to do was recline back and..."Randall!" She shouted. My eyes flung open, and I jerked my wheel left to stay on the road. "Good Lord! Are you tired?"

I yawned and shook my head. "No...I..."

"You look tired...I know! How about we just cuddle on the couch and I give you belly rubs?" she suggested.

"I'm not tired" I reiterated, but I was not against it.

We made it to my lair. It was a two story house with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 car garage. I had a large 4 acre property that lead up to the forest. The nearest home was a quarter of a mile away passed were a row of hedges blocked their view of his home. The property had many tall fir, cedar, hemlock, yew, pine, and spruce trees, and other side of the road was a large marsh. The air was filled with the peaceful sounds of bull frogs croaking and crickets chirping. It was very relaxing and helped me keep in tune with the wolf within me.

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