Chapter 4 "How to Domesticate a Werewolf"

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A couple days have passed; the fire station had requested that Randall take light duty much to his displeasure. They sent him over to the Scandinavian festival over in Junction City. This was a small rural railroad town which Randall complained about the strong mint scent from the farms in the north end of town. He said it was better than the smell of cannabis, which he said smelled just like Skunk Cabbage. I never heard of such a plant before, but I will take his word for it.

The fourth day of celebration, and it was super hot. They had him dressed up as a Viking including the pelts and the helmet. He sat inside a tiny windmill information booth that said, "Finnish Day" and he looked very grumpy. I got the poor pooch a blue raspberry sno-cone to make his day a little less miserable. He was going through the pamphlets. He grumbled at the highlight, which it said, "Come for Icelandic Day!" He leaned back in his chair rubbing his forehead as the fan blew air onto his face. "They fucking did it...They added another fucking day of this madness!"

I walked up to the windmill and smiled handing him the frozen treat. "Wow! Is that you Mr. Fenris? You really do look like a Viking" I commented. I wore a light form fitting dress with a tear drop cut out that exposed my cleavage, which he rose an eyebrow with a grumpy scowl.

"Aren't you a bit over dressed?" He asked me as he munched on the shaved ice. I frowned and rubbed her arm nervously hoping to get a happier expression or at least a compliment from him.

"Well, I thought we might..."

He shook his head and interrupted me. "I'm can't stand this music..." he said.

I laughed at him being overdramatic. "Oh come on! I think it's rather charming" I told him.

His eye twitched and snarled. "Try listening to it all looping for five days straight! It's borderline psychological torture" he muttered coldly before he munched on the ice again.

I gulped rubbing my arm again timidly. "I'm sorry" I muttered looking away. He sighed heavily feeling bad for snapping at me. "Thank you for the snow cone by the way" he told me in a more relaxed voice.

I looked back up at him smiling faintly. "When do you get off work?" I asked touching my buxom bosom before I ran my hand down along my curves to my rump.

He noticed how I was dressed and began to piece things together " 15 minutes" he said before he grinned. "Are you wanting to grab a bite to eat?" he asked.

I smiled and giggled at him while I ran my fingers through my hair giving him a flirtatious gaze. "Well, that was kinda the idea, love! Since you have great sense in direction and taste, I thought you knew the best places to eat are around here" I told him before I winked at him before I leaned in. "I'll come back for you later, kay handsome?" I told him before I puckered my lips prompting him to kiss me, and he returned my affections with everyone watching. I stroked behind his ear then caressed his jawline before I walked off to experience the sights, sounds, and smells of the festival. It was easy to lose track of time going through all the arts and crafts.

20 minutes passed before his replacement walked in, which they were teenagers that did not wear a Viking outfit like Randall wore. I could see Randall very close to turning into a monster for the extra five minutes he spent in that cage. The teenagers stared at my breasts, hips, and legs as I came up to him. I slung my arms around him from behind and gripped his chest. "Let's go dear" I told him. I dug my nails into his chest hoping he got the signal that I was still in baby making mode.

As he started to walk away I noticed the teens looking at my rear, so I decided to have a little fun. I made Randall grab me by the hip and placed my hand over my heart. "Oh no! The big and scary Viking is going to kidnap me!" I said playfully. I walked off with him and kept my body up against his as we walked through the crowds. I looked up at him and winked. "I hear there's a supermoon is coming!" I told him.

My Mom is Dating a WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now