Chapter 10: Quarreling in the Forest / Mom's advice

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     Having allowed Dayonna to escape, Sally, Ophelia and Layla are on a forest with their motorcycle who is still intact after speeding too much. They got out of it as the former pulled out her telescope and watched her going to her lair victoriously. Angered for losing her, Ophelia started to lose her temper at Sally.

"Are you mad at me?" she asked nervously.

"Of course I am! Why we let Dayonna escape?!" Ophelia shouted furiously.

"I don't know! I didn't know there were two Dayonnas!"

"Sally! Dayonna stole my catsuit! I was so close to stun her!"

"What are you girls talking about?" Layla asked.

"Not now, Layla!"

"Oh, dear."

"For your information, Agent Smith, look what we have done! We were speeding to get that girl who blows a raspberry!" Sally put her hands in her hips angrily.

"And you, Agent McNally, Dayonna was the one who disagreed my dream to become a spy!" Ophelia shoved her.

"You know what? I have to go back to my own time and forget everything about you!"

"And I'm gonna forget everything about you too! Because you're weird!"


After arguing with each other, Sally and Ophelia stormed off as Layla watched them walking away. The nerdy girl crossed her arms with anger as she walked so far and sat closer on a tree before removing her glasses. The orange-haired one kicked a stone in frustration for failing the mission as she pulled out her taser and threw it in the ground. Wandering through the forest, Ophelia looked at the sky as she shed a tear. A flashback began where a young Ophelia is on her parents' bedroom, staring at her mother's blue catsuit with a dreamy look. She imagined herself as a spy before her mother, Mrs. Smith, showed up. Just like her daughter, she has orange hair.

"Staring at my catsuit, daughter?" she asked.

"I'm just looking, mom." said young Ophelia.

"Ophelia, I use my catsuit for my missions. When you grow up, this catsuit will be yours after I retire."

"I will, mom."

"When you're bullied or attacked, defend yourself." Mrs. Smith advised her.

Listening to her mother's advice, Young Ophelia hugged her mother lovingly as the latter also hugged her as well. Back to 2003, Ophelia is smiling after Mrs. Smith advised her to defend herself. Her smile began to grow as she picked up her taser and put it on her pocket, still in their intention to get her catsuit. Sally is still sitting closer on the tree while fighting back tears. After quarreling with Ophelia as she showed up before putting her glasses on.

"We gotta get that catsuit." she said.

Later, Sally, Ophelia and Layla has left the forest pushing the motorcycle and carrying the teleporter. They placed the machine in front of a garage door of a house where they used it as a entrance.

"I thought you girls weren't talking to each other anymore." said Layla.

"Layla, We were quarreling. We can set things right and restore this year." Sally told her confidently.

"Sally's right. My mother told me that the catsuit would be mine." said Ophelia as she started the engines of her motorcycle. "We'll go to Tunxis Hill Park where Dayonna is summoning every disaster that happened in 2003."

"We'll capture her before she makes a mess."

The girls turned the vehicle on as they went through the teleporter again. Later on, Dayonna and her younger self made their way to Tunxis Hill Park. They went inside the tower as they go to the third floor of the building. The girl sat on her chair as she accessed her computer to summon some disasters where she noticed a photo of March 17-20 2003 and dragged it to a tube of events. "We're gonna make this year a bad past! A bad future!" she said excitedly.

"Yeah! And there's no one to stop us, tall girl!" said young Dayonna as she gave her teen self a high five. "It's gonna be the year of destruction!"

"It is, girl! No more Ophelia Smith!"

Dayonna laughed evilly as she started to bring the events such as the tornadoes, The Station nightclub fire, the E2 nightclub stampede and others. After arriving at Tunxis Hill Park, Sally, Ophelia and Layla noticed the events and disasters causing panic and mayhem at all the cities. The two girls gasped in horror as they saw Dayonna's tower. "This is the place. Dayonna went inside her lair to bring the mess that happened in 2003." said Ophelia.

"How are we going to get inside without being seen?" Sally asked. "There are security cameras in the basement and inside the tower."

"Maybe if I get a chainsaw to cut the wall, I would find one." Layla removed her hat to scratch her head before putting it on.

"Let's split up. Layla, meet me in the main entrance."


Ophelia pulled out the laser spray from her backpack and cutted a hole in the tower as she pressed its nozzle. "Layla, get inside." she ordered Layla.

"OK." Layla nodded as she started to squeeze herself in the hole, grunting and panting as Sally and Ophelia helped her to get inside the passageway before going to find another way inside. "I'm In! Don't worry, I'll see you girls in the main entrance!" she said as she took off her jeans and sneakers before crawling in the ventilation duct. Sally and Ophelia noticed a storm cellar and opened its doors.

"Are you sure, girl?" Sally asked.

"I am. We'll use this instead of the front door." Ophelia went through as her friend followed her. Entering through the basement, the girls noticed some security cameras who are spiders in disguise. "Dayonna created those spiders with cameras."

"The spiders are watching us..."

"Don't worry. We'll destroy them."

The two girls started to use the laser sprays to destroy the cameras to avoid being seen. They destroyed the cameras one by one before making their way to the main entrance. Where they saw some stairs and some cameras. "Here we are. The main entrance. But Where's Layla?"

"Hey girls!" Layla struggled to get out of the air vent after squeezing all the way to the entrance. "This air vent is like a chimney!" she said as she picked up her pants and sneakers and put them on. "Thank goodness the cameras didn't caught me."

"Let's go upstairs!" Ophelia told her and Sally. "My catsuit is in the last floor!"

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