Chapter 11: Getting the catsuit / Back to present

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On the third floor, Dayonna and her younger self are enjoying the events that happened in 2003. They are proud of themselves as they acessed the computer again to use the events to destroy the modern day. "No restoring, just the disasters. I'm gonna destroy the modern world where those two girls are living." she said as she prepared to send a Tornado of 2003 to the modern world, only for being confronted by Sally, Ophelia and Layla, who arrived in her lair to stop her as she gasped.

"Dayonna! You're not going anywhere..." Ophelia put her hands in her hips.

"Yeah!" said Sally.

"Oh, really? You girls are brave. But, let me tell you: Why don't you stop being a spy and go home?" Dayonna crossed her arms.

"I'm not going anywhere without..." Ophelia pointed at her accusingly as her enemy showed her the mannequin with the blue catsuit as she gasped in surprise. "...My Catsuit!"

"Relax, Ginger. The catsuit is no longer with you." Young Dayonna crossed her arms as well. "The tall girl and I are altering history."

"You're mean. Anyway, enough talk!"

Dayonna snickered as she unzipped the catsuit and took off the porcelain mannequin before placing it in the floor. "We were classmates until you grew up, Ophelia. You were like your mom." she said as she took off her boots before putting the catsuit under her red and yellow catsuit and zipped it as she snickered. "But now, I'm gonna make you lose and go home crying for your mommy! It's time to die, girl! I'm gonna kick the pants off you and you'll forget everything about being a good spy!" Dayonna pointed at Ophelia accusingly, revealing that she put the blue catsuit on.

The battle began as the five girls started to fight against each other. They punched, kicked and even slapped as they used their karate moves to knock the other down. Sally and Young Dayonna punched and shoved and used their bare hands to hit them. Ophelia punched Dayonna as she stomped at her foot, forcing her to scream in pain as the former attempted to punch the orange-haired girl. But she carried the porcelain mannequin as a dummy instead before she punched at it, breaking it into pieces. The girls kept fighting and fighting until Ophelia shook her fist to deliver Dayonna one final blow. Resulting in her punching and knocking her into the ceiling and leaving the catsuit behind. After being punched, Dayonna is left in her own catsuit as she groaned painfully. "Ow..."

"The blue catsuit!" Ophelia bent down to pick up her catsuit in the floor. "I got the catsuit, mom." she said to herself as she took off her school uniform and threw them into the air before removing her shoes and put the blue catsuit on, much to Layla's shock as she and Sally noticed her as a real spy. Ophelia zipped her catsuit as she smiled confidently and put her belt on. "I'll never gonna lose it."

"Let's continue!" Sally and Layla said together.

The battle continued as Dayonna freed herself from the ceiling and started to punch Ophelia in her face, but she defended herself by punching her into the wall. Young Dayonna tried to punch and kick Sally, but, the nerdy girl defended herself as well as she pulled out a apple pie from her pocket and threw it at her face. The little girl growled in anger as she shoved Sally into the floor before she stood up and pulled out the teleporter.

"Have you ever saw The Birds?" she asked.

"What are you talking about?" Young Dayonna asked skeptically.

"The answer is: The Birds is a horror movie and birds make you scared!" Sally shoved the little girl into the teleporter as she fell into a bottomless pit, screaming and crashing into a jail for girls who don't believe in dreams.

"Huh? What the heck?" Young Dayonna noticed some birds staring at her menacingly as she yelled in horror. "BIRDS!!!!"

"You're the one who is ruining my plans to destroy the year of 2003, especially your nerdy friend!" Dayonna tried to punch Ophelia in her face.

"Not this time! You're the one who shoved me into the school path when we were kids!" She told her as she slapped her in the face before getting punched into the wall of the tower. "Oof!"

"It's over, Ginger. You're a girl full of dreams and wonders." Dayonna blew a raspberry at the orange-haired girl. In a moment of silence, Ophelia listened to her mother's advice.

"When you're bullied or attacked, defend yourself." she told her as the phrase is heard in her mind.

"Y'know, my mother told me that I must defend myself." Ophelia freed herself from the wall, firmly. She gestured to Dayonna to come at her as the latter started to attack her, only for being punched by the spy in the face. "That's what I'm talking about."

"Oh yeah?" Dayonna tried to punch Ophelia, but, she slapped at her face before stunning her with the taser. "Oh, boy..."

"Tell me, Dayonna, are you scared of birds?"


"The birds, like Mr. Ostrich." Ophelia told her as she pulled out a toy bird, which scared Dayonna.

"Birds?! Oh, no, not birds!" she yelled in horror as she freaked out. "Birds are the fearful creatures that I ever saw in my life!"

"You were scared of them." Sally snapped her fingers to allow Ophelia to give one more blow. The orange-haired girl started to jump dramatically as she gave Dayonna a kick in the stomach, defeating her. After finally defeating the black-haired girl, Sally adjusted her glasses to talk to Ophelia. "That was awesome."

"Right. Let's restore it." she said.

Sally, Ophelia and Layla accessed the computer in order to restore the damage that Dayonna caused. They saw a "Restore" icon and clicked on it as a warning appeared: "Are you sure you want to restore?". They pressed the Yes button as they allowed the events and disasters to disappear from earth. A blue light wave is unleashed from the computer and restored all cities, buildings and other stuff, returning them back to normal. After setting things right, the girls complimented each other for saving the year of 2003.

"Problem solved." said Sally.

"That's right." said Ophelia as she picked up her phone. "Hi, Leanne. This is Ophelia. I just captured the one who stole my catsuit, Dayonna Dickens. Listen to me carefully; Meet me in Condor Street Urban Wild, you got that?"

Later on, Sally and Ophelia, along with Dayonna are ready to go back to the present. Layla is about to say goodbye as she peeked through the time machine. "Are you sure are you gonna take Dayonna to the authorities?" she asked.

"Yes, Layla, presicely. Ready to go?" Sally typed the number 2017 in the keyboard.

"No, I can't. I won't be seen in the future because I have an A+ in chemistry and I live in a apartment after I passed college in the future." Layla declined.

"Yeah, right." Ophelia nodded in agreement as she put her school uniform in her backpack.

"2003 is returned to its former glory. I think this is goodbye."

"Goodbye, Layla."

"I'm gonna miss you!" Sally closed the door before pressing enter in the keyboard again.

The machine began to shake once again as well the pointers and the lightning bolts. It floated and went through a hyperjump as Layla said goodbye to Sally and Ophelia before flying rapidly into the time-travel vortex. Dayonna's cheeks began flapping faster like Sally. Back to present, Leanne, Sharla, the C.E.O. agents and helicopters had arrived on Condor Street Urban Wild, waiting for Ophelia's return.

"Ma'am, how long Ophelia will show up?" Sharla asked.

Leanne sighed calmly. "She will arrive in any minute. She told us to meet her here." she told her as the Time Machine returned to the present, shocking them as Disha, Olga, Annie and Rhonda showed up as they made their way to see Sally. Opening the door, Dayonna came out of the machine as she breathed heavily with her hair sticking up and crawled next to Leanne, who she imagined her as a hummingbird about to kill her.

"AAHHHH!!!! Birds! Birds!" Dayonna screamed as Sally and Ophelia came out as well, much to the C.E.O. agents' delight as they clapped their hands in applause for defeating Dayonna. "I went through a vortex and I saw birds!"

"Easy, girl."

"So scared..." said Sharla.

"It's Sally!" said Disha.

"You guys don't understand! There are a few birds that Ophelia said to me! Mr. Ostrich is a bird! Everybody here is a bird!"

"You little Dickens, you need to calm down." Leanne put her hand in her hip.

One moment, the C.E.O. agents handcuffed Dayonna, who is still paranoid and scared at the thought of seeing birds. Leanne and Sharla went inside the helicopter as the former saluted Ophelia for getting her catsuit in 2003. The spy, Sally, Disha, Olga, Rhonda and Annie watched the helicopters flying back to Bridgeport with Dayonna. They sighed in relief as they brushed their hair.

"That was Dayonna Dickens, right?" Disha asked.

"She's having a fear of birds. She's the only person." said Annie.

"You're right, Annie." Ophelia crossed her arms in satisfaction as she talked to Sally. "So, do you want a catsuit or a school uniform?"

"Oh, I just wear my casual clothes." She blushed.

Later that day, Sally is awoken by the sound of her alarm clock and got out of her bed as she went to see Ophelia outside. "Yes?"

"Come down here! We're going to the movies!" she said.

"Hang in there!"

After putting her clothes on, Sally stepped out of her house as she approached Ophelia, who is wearing her school uniform again. "Well, Ophelia, which movie are we going to watch? It's Charlie's Angels, right?"

"It's rated PG-13, Sally. We'll find a movie until we find Disha, Olga, Rhonda and Annie in the movies." she told her as she and her friend started to walk.

"Oh, you're right." Sally giggled as Ophelia laughed heartily.

Everything was cool for the cities of Boston and Bridgeport. Unbeknowst to them, Layla, now a 29-year old woman, is observing them while sitting in the doorstep of a house in 68 White Street as she talked to the reader. "That was a happy moment. You know, Sally and Ophelia saved the year of 2003, Dayonna went to jail and I can tell you something; Never steal a spy's catsuit or bodysuit. Before I finish speaking, every person can have a partner, or a friend, or a accomplice. In fact, your Dear Spy will always be there." she finished as she smiled and winked her eye.

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