Chapter 2

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I could feel something warm and soft is around me. It was warm and comforting, but I felt on edge, due to the unkown territory. I wasn't close to home.

In a panick I try opening my eyes, but they stay glued shut. My heart beat quickens at the sound of mechanical beeping. It was taunting, beeping in the same soft pattern.




I don't know how long it countinues before I am able to pry my eyes open. After my eyes readjust to the harsh light, I search the room frantically. There was a strong scent of disinfectant, along with a few other scents I couldn't place. 

I was freaking out, wondering how I got here, when memories from the Chase flood my mind. I start breathing heavy, as the paralyzing fear takes over once again. I knew what must've happenes, I'm not stupid,

'He didn't.' Liv says, trying desperately to calm me.

Tears sting my eyes, she can't be sure. If I'm out, she's out.

'Your thighs and lady bits dont hurt.' Despite her voice sounding deceivingly calm, I could hear the worry.

'What if we were out so long they no longer do?'

She sighs, trying to remain calm, and keep me calm, but it wasn't working.

An uncontrolable sob racks my body. For a few minutes I think I'll never stop. I couldn,t imagine a worse thing than being raped, to me death was a better option.

It was around then that I start laughing. I start laughing so hard I barley register a door open. I didn't even realize there was a door. Silly me.

"Miss, are you okay?" A voice asks, startiling me.

"No, I'm not okay. The one d*mn thing that brings me even the tinniest bit of joy, has to be ripped from me." I'm still laughing even though years streak my face. I must look absolutely crazy. Of course something like this would happen.

"Miss, can you tell me what you last remember happening?" He ask after I've calmed down, a little.

"I was just competeing in a game, then this horny bastard came a knocked me out. And I'm guessing he also knocked me up. I'll have to carry around a stupid mistake baby for nine months. Then you know what? I'll name him Bob, just because." He clears his throat cutting off my rambling.

"He didn't rape you. Your mate found you before he could, though everyone assumes that was his motive."

Relief floods my body, I wasn't raped, I'm not possibly carrying a baby. The joy doesn't last long thought, as I realize what he said.

'Our mate.' Liv squeals.

"Mate?" My mouth drops open in suprise. The docter nods his head, looking quite happy.

I rip out the IV in my arm and jump down from the table, making a mad dash for the door. The man grabs me by my arm, gently but with a lot of force.

"I'm afraid you can't leave." He says, trying to pull me back to the table.

I chuckle grabbing my arm back. "And I'm afraid you don't have a choice." I mock, sending him a sickly sweet smile.

"I will sedate you if neccessary, the Alpha gave me strict orders not to let you go."

"Well tell your Alpha to go shove it up his..." My words are cut off when he picks me up and carries me over to the bed, then proceeds to strap me down. I thrash around hoping to break the chains, but I was too weak.

The Alpha's mateWhere stories live. Discover now