Chapter 6

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The only thing fueling my body is anger. My mind was controling my body, forcing me to find Xavier. He hurt Ivy, had her tortured for information.

A 'threat' he called her, he said she was a danger to my well being. I'd only just met her, I'd mever met her before last week.

I let the mate bond guide me to him, following it's pull throughout the house. If I hadn't been so angry I might have stopped to admire the beauty of it.

"Xavier!" I yell as I slam open his office door.

"What?" He says calmly, looking up from his computer. He sensed my anger and was trying to calm me down by staying calm himself.

"Where's Ivy?" I growl, which admittedly wasn't my brightest idea.

"Beats me, I haven't seen her sense that day on the beach." He keeps calm, which only fuels me rage.

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying, just not telling you everything." He shrugs his shoulders like it was no big deal.

"A lie of ommision still counts as a lie." I yell and that's when he snaps. His wolf and him were not pleased with my obvious disobedience. I'm supposed to submit and just go with what he says, but that's not going to happen.

"Damn it Rose, I did what was neccessary!" He gets up from his desk, slamming his fist againsg it. It nearly shattered from the force. He walks towards me slowly, like I was his prey.

"Oh, because beating her to a pulp was totally neccessary." I say sarcastically, holding my ground against him.

"She's a danger to you, she tried to help you abandon your mate, and you let her. You dragged her into this yourself, so don't blame me. I would have done the same thing if it had been someone else trying to escape. I'm not making an exception because she's your friend." He stands infront of me, looking down at me.

I felt like a child next to him, because I was. Xavier was twenty three years old, leading the biggest pack in North America. Who am I standing next to him? No one.

However I seemed to forget this as I reach up and smack him. The sound echoed through the room, it was the only sound.

His head whips to the side from the impact, and when he turns around his eyes show the anger he feels. Noticing his wolf pushing through, I turn around and run. Following the first hallway I see, I find myself forced to go in a room. It's Xavier's.

Damn it. Why can't I ever think? Shaking in fear, I force myself into his closet, hiding in the shoes and pants. They were long enough and managed to hide me well. I knew it would make him angrier to find me hiding, but I'm praying for a miracle.

'He's gonna kill us.' Liv yells in my head.

'Don't you think I know that, thats why I ran.' I hiss back.

I hear footsteps right outside of the closet and know he's found me. I ah e to slap my hand over my mouth to keep from gasping in fear. My heart thumps hard enough I'm sure he can hear.

A few tears make it to my eyes, but I blonk them back. I've done this, I don't get to cry about my mistake.

One traitor tear makes it's way out, when the door opens. Xavier moves the shoes and pants from infront of me, kneeling down infront of me.

"Rose, what's the matter why'd you run?" He ask as he grabs my arm gently tugging it, he doesn't look as angry as before, but I'm not taking any chances.

"I think I'm fine in here." I say sinking back into the closet.

"Come out, Rose." He commands.

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