Dinner Parties and Drawing Rooms

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Less than a week after her call on Lady Susan, Charlotte was surprised to find among her post an invitation to a dinner party to be hosted by Lady Granville at the week's end. She excitedly shared this news with her brother and sister, for they too had been included in the invitation and quickly sent a note with their acceptance to the address indicated.

After browsing the contents Madelaine's wardrobe, following a outcry of panic at not have anything nearly suitable for such an event, Charlotte and Alyona rapidly determined that a new gown would have to commissioned or an old one re-trimmed. An excursion to Madelaine's modiste was summarily planned and executed with remarkable efficiency as a result of the combined efforts of all three women. Three short days later Madelaine had acquired a splendid new evening gown of lively blue embroidered velvet. It would be accompanied later that evening by a cream pair of satin gloves and matching slippers.

When the ladies descended the stairs to depart they were resplendent in their finery. Madelaine's new gown was further complimented by a delicate cream shawl and her hair was coiled into a bun at the nape of her neck and a small number of pearly pins scattered throughout. Charlotte was encased in a gown of lilac silk and white lace. On her hands she wore ivory silk gloves and the upswept braids of her hair were adorned by amethyst and pearl pins in the shape of lilac flowers which had been a gift to her from her parents on her first and twentieth birthday. Around her neck she wore an amethyst cross on a silver chain while her ears and wrists went undecorated.

The three members of the Heywood party bid good evening to Reignette, Justin's daughter, who had been determined all day that she would remain awake long enough to see her step-mother and favourite aunt in their pretty new dresses. Charlotte and Madelaine were swiftly handed into the carriage by their brother and husband respectively and soon were on their way to St James' Square where Lord and Lady Granville kept their home when in Town.

On the approach to St James' Square they passed many fine carriages bearing the arms of old and well-established families that grew finer and more powerful the further they ventured into the most fashionable parts of London's residential areas. Mayfair and it's surrounds were where the highest tiers of the upper crust came out to play during the summer months each years while parliament sat in session.

Upon their arrival at Ormond House, they were greeted by the Viscount's Butler and shown to an upstairs drawing room where the guests were gathered. They were announced with all the pomp and circumstance that the butler of a peer may be expected to grant the children of a lowly gentleman and thus left to their own devices.

It was fortunate that Lady Granville had noticed them enter before the butler declared their presence and politely excused herself to greet the newcomers and make the necessary introductions to her other guests. As the time to pair for supper was fast approaching, Lady Granville made a circuit of the room with her unknown guests with a sensitivity and efficiency that surprised no-one.

Lady Granville, with the help of her sister and friend, had ensured that her guests were situated in such a way on the societal hierarchy as to facilitate Charlotte's introduction to the highest circles of society such as it would be conducted with aplomb and ease. She only hoped her nephew would not be late for she had planned to seat the pair together and he appeared to be timing his arrival poorly.

Eventually the gentleman in question did appear and was struck quite suddenly with his hostess' displeasure at his lateness. That lady's butler was not granted even the opportunity to announce him when his aunt corralled him over a cluster of her guests who were stood by the fire amongst whom he could spy his cousin and uncle. As Lord Morpeth and Lady Granville manoeuvred around her other guests, he thought he caught a glimpse of the very lady who had so acutely attracted his interest.

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