It's Late

207 12 16

Evan sat on his bed, not completely knowing what to do. Jared and him used to sleep in the same bed all the time together as kids, what was so different now? Yes they're older, but they were close friends. No, just family friends. That's how Jared put it. Yet, Jared didn't stick to that did he? For car insurance, he used to say. Then, they would just hang out at lunch, Jared driving Evan home. But now? They just came back from being in a treehouse they used to play in when they were kids, watched a movie together, and now Jared even said to sleep in the same bed. No, Evan knew that they were more than just "Family friends", yet Jared would never admit.

"Hellooooo Acorn, you've been going to space quite a bit today. Bring me to Mars next time, huh?" Jared snorted and sat next to Evan, who only chuckled.

"Are you ok, Ev? Do I need to beat someone up? Is it your feelings? Do I need to punch the hell out of your feelings?" Jared touched his fists together.

"Pfft, no Jared. I'm fine, r-really." Evan smiled, which he got one in return from the male who threatened to beat up feelings.

Jared laid back, whistling. He didn't have a care in the world, he never did. He was solid teflon, never bothered, never harassed, Evan wished to be like that. Jared just did things, no second thoughts, no hesitation. Evan just couldn't be like that. He was terrified if he did things wrong, most of the time not even doing it. He wanted to be able to stand up and do things, not caring what others think, yet he couldn't. Yet, that's what made the two perfect friends, didn't it? They were opposites, working off from each other.

Evan sat there, staring at Jared, head lost in space.

Jared has stopped whistling at this point, he was trying to put together why Evan had been staring at him for so long. Weirdo, he thought. Yet he still loved this kid anyways.

"Welp," he said, sitting up, breaking Evans trance. "We should get to bed, like you said. Unless, of course, you wanna play truth or dare." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Haha, like I'm ever playing t-that game with you again, Jared." Evan rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on, just because I made you call Zoe and you had a panic attack on the phone and had to, oh my god! Talk to her in person and explain the whole thing while her brother looked like he was going to stab you to death, doesn't mean you can't play."

Evan just stared at him.


"Go to bed."


1:37 A.M.

They both laid in bed, a line of pillows in the middle of the bed separating them. Jared was on his phone, Evan stared at the ceiling.

"Acorn, truth or dare?"

"No." Evan groaned.

"No has two letters and dare was the second option. I dare you to-"

"Truth Jared, I p-pick truth." He weakly punched the other in the shoulder.

"Hmm, would you take a SQUIP?"

Evan sat there for a moment, questioning what he just said.

"A squid-"

"SQUIP. Super quantum unit Intel processor." Jared said it flawlessly, as if rehearsed. "It's like a tiktak you take with Mountain Dew."

"And it does what?" Evan turned to look Jared in the face, completely confused.

"Oh em gee, my cousin's boyfriend took one from a short guy who was trying to sell them for 600 dollars-"

"Jared, for f-fucks sake, what does it do?" Evan groaned, rubbing his temples.

"It just travels into your brain and helps you be cool."

"I'll take it."

Jared laughed, receiving a questioning look from Evan. Jared, soon stopped, moved hair from out of his face, and showed twitter posts from a brunette female.
Evan read it, and huffed.

"You didn't tell me a-about that stuff J-Jared." Evan said, handing back his phone.

"Don't take drugs my friend." He smiled and Evan, loving the way his face was slightly illuminated by his phone light.

"Mhm." Evan laid down on his side, facing away from Jared.

Jared didn't bombard him with anymore questions, he knew he was tired and just wanted to speak with him more. He just couldn't not like him. He was polite, cute, gentle, a dork, cute, amazing, god did he mention he was cute?

Jared drifted away, thinking about what made Evan perfect.

And yet,

Evan couldn't.
He was still running through his mind that Jared Kleinman, the insanely cool Jared Kleinman, was in his bed. He didn't know why he was so flustered at the fact his friend was next to him. His friend since they were young.

He flipped so he was facing Jared.

There he laid, so still. Evan couldn't help but admire his features.
His brown hair falling perfectly onto his face, how his breaths were slow and steady, the way his skin was ever so slightly reddened.

Evan snapped himself out of it.
He was falling hard, he knew it.
Too hard, honestly.
He didn't have a chance, yet he couldn't get the thought of him out of his head.

Just go to bed Hansen, go to bed.

Word Count: 886
Woah, not in the thousand range? What happened?
Much love!!
-Emma :)

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